Special Functions Source Code Fortran Languages

Fortran 95 code to perform (among others) spherical harmonic transforms and reconstructions, rotations of spherical harmonic coefficients, and multitaper spectral analyses on the sphere.

    Top: Computers: Programming: Languages: Fortran: Source Code

Special Functions

  • Special Functions code - Routines to accompany the book "Computation of Special special functions Functions", by Shanjie Zhang and Jianming Jin.
  • SHTOOLS - Tools for working with spherical harmonics - Fortran 95 code to perform (among others) spherical source code harmonic special functions transforms and reconstructions, rotations of spherical harmonic source code coefficients, and special functions multitaper spectral analyses on the sphere.
  • BETADER - Derivatives of the Incomplete Beta Function, by Robert fortran J. Boik special functions and James F. Robison-Cox.
  • Software programs - CONHYP evaluates the confluent hypergeometric function for large, special functions complex arguments. PFq evaluates the generalized hypergeometric function special functions for large, complex arguments. Both are written by special functions Warren F. Perger.

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