Servlets Enterprise Edition Java Languages
Collection of servlets to handle file uploads, send email, cache responses, generate server push pages, parse parameters, and negotiate locales for internationalization.
Top: Computers: Programming: Languages: Java: Enterprise Edition
See Also:
Editor's Picks:
Java Servlets - Official Documentation and Reference Implementation
- Jakarta Cactus - Cactus is a testing framework that allows you to create unit tests for your servlets.
- JSR 53 - Access to Java Servlet 2.3 and JavaServer Pages servlets 1.2 specifications.
- - Offers servlet software, mailing lists, servlet-capable ISP list, engines, tools, java articles, and examples, from Jason Hunter, author of "Java Servlet java Programming" (O'Reilly).
- XML and Java Servlets - A resource directory enumerating the XML tools available java for use within Java servlets.
- Webopedia introduction to servlets - Information and resources about servlets
- The Apache Cocoon Project - Cocoon is an XML based servlet framework.
- Archives of SERVLET-INTEREST@JAVA.SUN.COM - Archives of Sun Microsystem's servlet-interest mailing list.
- OXXus Hosting - Java-Servlet web host supporting v2.3 and v2.4 servlet servlets specification.
- ServletSpeedster - A JSP/Servlet partial caching system. This is a servlets universal container servlets independent caching system that allows you servlets to write faster running servlets servlets and JSP\'s in servlets Java. [Open source, BSD License]
- O'Reilly - Collection of servlets to handle file uploads, send email, cache java responses, generate server push pages, parse parameters, and negotiate locales java for internationalization.
- Tea Trove - Template toolkit for Java servlets
- Struts Framework - An open source framework for building Servlet/JSP based servlets web applications java based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design servlets paradigm [Open Source, BSD-like]
- An Introduction to Java Servlets - Servlets can solve many of the problems associated with CGI java and proprietary server APIs. This article describes the overall servlet java architecture and how to develop applications with servlets.
- JavaBoutique Servlets - Resource center for servlet development, including articles and free servlet downloads.
- Enhydra XMLC - Home Page - Enhydra XMLC is a presentation engine that enforces enterprise edition a java strict separation of markup and logic.
- - Java servlet, JSP, and web application hosting.
MySQL - Cache Direct