XML Java Languages Programming

    Top: Computers: Programming: Languages: Java


See Also:
  • XMLGenie - Java XML to HTML conversion tool (applet, application, xml servlet versions). [Commercial]
  • Processing XML with Java - Online draft of a book by Elliotte Rusty java Harold.
  • oXygen - XML Editor and XSLT Debugger in Java. Can validate XML, languages XSD, DTD and XSL. Provides XSLT transformation, Unicode support, FOP languages support, browser preview, automatic DTD generation, code insight and outliner.
  • XML and Java technologies: Document models - Article by Dennis M. Sosnoski compares the performance and functionality java of several Java document models.
  • JEX - Java Extension - A redefinition of Java using an XML syntax. This allows programmers to extend their favorite language. It also simplifies compilers, IDEs and code generators. [Open source, GPL]
  • The Apache XML Project - Provides commercial-quality standards-based XML solutions for Java, C++ and Perl xml that are developed in an open and cooperative fashion. xml Includes XML and XSLT parsers.
  • Butterfly - A simple Code Generator using XMI as the languages input and java XSLT templates to generate any type languages of code. Several templates java are provided including EJB, languages JDO and Struts. Users may use java the templates, languages modify them or create new ones using XSL. java languages [Open source, GPL]
  • Xbean - Open source project where software components take XML java as input, java processes it in some fashion and java then pass XML on java to the next Xbean. java Includes white papers and mailing list.
  • Oracle XML Developer's Kit for Java - Offers XML parser, XSLT processor, XML schema processor, languages class generator, java SQL utilities, XSQL servlet, and Oracle languages SOAP. [Commercial]
  • Introduction to XML Programming - This basic tutorial explains step by step how languages to use XML Parsers (SAX and DOM), XSLT, languages and XML Namespaces.
  • About XML - Basic information and links on XML and using XML with xml Java.
  • Devsphere Java-XML Projects - Offers XML parsing benchmarks, open source framework for languages handling parsing related events (SAXDOMIX), and form handling languages framework.
  • DrawTag - Draws JPEG tree diagrams of XML files. Features java include vertical java or horizontal tree orientation, optional inclusion java of XML attributes in java the diagram, and user-specified java font and pointsize. [Shareware]
  • CLaRK - An XML-based software system for corpora development. Implemented java in Java. java The main components are: Unicode XML java Editor, XPath Engine, XSLT java Engine, XML Constraints, XML java Cascaded Regular Grammar Engine.
  • XML Convert - A Java application that converts flat files into XML and vice versa. Free evaluation version is available.
  • Jamper - Java XML Mapper - A graphic utility that simplifies the process of xml creating XSLTs using drag-and-drop. [Open source, GPL]
  • Ken Y. Morales - Personal homepage with resume and XML application development xml related Java xml examples.
  • RTF2FO - RTF to XML converter RTF documents to XML ones in java line with latest W3C specifications for XSL FO formatting semantics. java Using different XSL FO rendering tools converted files can ease java converted in different output formats such as PDF, HTML, PostScript. java It
  • XAMJ - A thin client XML UI and text markup language tightly integraded with Java. XAMJ applications/pages may be deployed over HTTP (like HTML or Java Webstart) or locally on a user\\'s PC. Also Warrior, an open-source browser/platform for the deployment of XAMJ

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