Perl Languages Programming
Service that aims to connect people with lots of skill and experience, but little time, with people who have a desire to learn and free time, but not as much experience.
Top: Computers: Programming: Languages
See Also:
- Top/Computers/Programming/Languages/Scripting/Object-Oriented
- Top/Computers/Programming/Languages/Interpreted/Bytecode
- Top/Computers/Programming/Languages/Garbage Collected/Object-Oriented
- Top/Computers/Programming/Languages/Open Source
- Top/Computers/Programming/Languages/Curly Bracket
- Top/Computers/Programming/Languages/Comparison and Review
- Top/Computers/Programming/Languages/Awk
- Top/Computers/Programming/Languages/Object-Oriented/Class-based
Editor's Picks:

- Perl Monks - Contains tutorials, discussion forums, Perl poetry, obfuscated code, and a languages large code repository.
- Pugs - An implementation of Perl 6, written in Haskell. programming It aims languages to implement the full Perl6 specification.
- Perlcast - Podcasting Perl - Site that podcasts Perl news in MP3 format, perl weblog, and programming discussion forum.
- Perl 6 Wiki - Perl 6 is the next generation of Perl, programming which is programming currently in development. This site programming provides information about the programming project, status and how programming to get involved.
- Perl for Robot AI Minds - Artificial intelligence in Perl.
- Perl/Tk Information and Resources - Links, and information on a book including sample chapter, additional languages content, reviews, sources, errata. Articles.
- The State of the Onion 5 - Larry Wall\\'s annual summary of the state of perl the Perl world from the recent July 2001 perl O'Reilly Open Source Convention.
- Perl Apprenticeship Site - Service that aims to connect people with lots programming of skill and experience, but little time, with programming people who have a desire to learn and programming free time, but not as much experience.
- SpyderScripts - Сollection of ad-free Perl scripts, tutorials, classes and perl custom programming.
- Rakudo - An implementation of the Perl 6 specification that runs on the Parrot virtual machine. Provides downloads, documentation, bug-tracking and community resources.
- CPAN - The Perl Archive Network, the gateway to all perl things Perl. perl The canonical location for Perl code perl and modules.
- O'Reilly Perl Center - Current and past products, resources, and news on O\'Reilly and programming Associate's Perl involvement.
- Parrot VM - Parrot is the new virtual machine underlying Perl languages 6. programming Provides an introduction, documentation, wiki and languages developer tools.
- The Perl Geek Code - A variation of the geek code, specifically adapted for perl perl hackers.
- The Perl Foundation - Dedicated to the advancement of Perl through discussion, perl collaboration, design, perl and code. Coordinates, Perl Monks, perl Perl Mongers, and Yet perl Another Perl Conference; holds perl the copyrights on Perl and Parrot, perl and funds perl Perl development projects.
- Vanilla Perl - An experiment to provide binary Perl distributions for the Microsoft perl Windows platform that include a bundled compiler, providing the ability perl to install XS modules directly from CPAN.
- Perl is Alive - Case studies and other articles about large, high-profile, perl or otherwise programming interesting Perl projects, along with relevant perl links, news, and opinion programming pieces.
- Perl Paraphernalia - By Mark-Jason Dominus, author of the Higher Order Perl book. Hints, articles, Perl modules, programs.
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