FAQs, Help, and Tutorials SQL Languages Programming

Article by Mike Hillyer. Normalizing data is the most effective way to decrease storage requirements and increase data integrity. In this tutorial we cover the basics of data normalization.

    Top: Computers: Programming: Languages: SQL

FAQs, Help, and Tutorials

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Editor's Picks:

Introduction to Structured Query Language* - A good introduction to SQL selects, joins and grouping.

  • SQL Tutorial by Josh Grant - Brief introduction to basic SQL commands
  • Database and SQL eLearning - Database theory and an online tutorial interface to languages an Oracle faqs, help, and tutorials database system, allowing a user to languages learn SQL interactively. The faqs, help, and tutorials site automatically checks and languages marks SQL and gives instant feedback.
  • SQL School - Full set of SQL language tutorials featuring in languages depth coverage languages on each SQL command.
  • Kihlman's SQL (Graphic SQL tutorial) - This program helps you learn SQL, Structured Query faqs, help, and sql tutorials Language. You can use the test questions or faqs, help, sql and tutorials make your own SQL statements. [Shareware]
  • SQL exercises - Help everyone to gain or improve skills in languages building SQL sql Data Manipulation Language statements. A rating languages system is supported for sql SELECT exercises and certification. languages SQL handbook. English and Russian versions.
  • An Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) - By Pan Pantziarka. From creating a simple database sql to select queries, joins, updates, inserts.
  • SQL Tutorial - SQL tutorial featuring a guide to SQL language sql concepts and SQL commands.
  • SQL Fundamentals - Introduction to SQL
  • Wikipedia: SQL - History and overview of the language.
  • SQLCourse - Interactive/On-line SQL Tutorial with SQL Interpreter and live languages practice database.
  • An Introduction to Database Normalization - Article by Mike Hillyer. Normalizing data is sql the most sql effective way to decrease storage requirements sql and increase data integrity. sql In this tutorial we sql cover the basics of data normalization.
  • Steve Litt's SQL Troubleshooting Page - Tips on how to troubleshoot SQL queries.
  • SQL In Simple English - SQL presented as a questions and answers session, languages with questions that novices would like to ask.
  • SQL for Web Nerds - A nicely structured manuscript on SQL by Philip Greenspun, based on the Oracle database. Queries, transactions, triggers, and RDBMS concepts are covered.
  • A Gentle Introduction to SQL - An interactive tutorial. Allows access to tables languages using any of Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Access languages or PostgreSQL engines.
  • Fluffycat SQL - Examples of how to use SQL commands
  • SQLcourse2 - Online SQL tutorial featuring a live interpreter to languages test SQL sql commands.
  • SQL Cheat Sheet: Query By Example - Provides ANSI-SQL solutions to common database query/update tasks. These apply languages to such relational databases as PostGreSQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, languages Oracle, Microsoft Access, SQLite.
  • Summarizing data with SQL (Structured Query Language) - This article provides a brief SQL How-to on languages how to sql summarize data. Most of the languages examples we provide will sql be based on the languages ANSI-SQL 92 standard. Some examples sql will show languages features specific to SQL Server 7.
  • Thomas Beck's Home Page - Physical Data Model Patterns.
  • Intro To Structured Query Language (SQL) - A basic introduction to writing queries so that sql beginners can sql begin to extract data from an sql existing relational database.

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