News and Media Croquet Squeak Smalltalk
Brief article treats if open standards will arise to allow interaction and compatibility between immersive web spaces; with several reader comments. My heart’s in Accra.
Top: Computers: Programming: Languages: Smalltalk: Squeak: Croquet
News and Media
See Also:
- Top/Computers/Software/Operating Systems/Network/Distributed
- Top/Computers/Human-Computer Interaction
- Top/Computers/Software/Operating Systems/Open Source
- Top/Computers/Software/Operating Systems/Graphic Subsystems/Desktop Environments
- Top/Computers/Software/Operating Systems/Object-Oriented
- Opencroquet - Brief article, many informative forum comments on 3D squeak environment; runs on Squeak environment, on another OS. squeak Slashdot.
- Why Not Open Croquet - Explains why author doesn\\'t use Open Croquet (OC) as the platform for Ogoglio project: an online city for work. Trevor F. Smith: Exterior.
- Julian Lombardi's Blog - Collected observations and musings on and around the croquet Croquet Project, by Duke University Assistant Vice President croquet of Academic Services and Technology Support, Senior Research croquet Scholar with program in Information Science and Studies.
- The Future Reinvented with Open Croquet - Croquet can be likened to many things, a: squeak multimedia authoring squeak environment, programming system, collaborative, distributed, 3D squeak virtual environment and ultimately, squeak system software for a squeak new kind of machine. IT Wales.
- Why Not Play with Croquet? - Brief article treats if open standards will arise to allow interaction and compatibility between immersive web spaces; with several reader comments. My heart’s in Accra.
- The Future of the Internet is Not Secondlife - Positive review, with reader comments. This Virtual Life.
- Croquet, Anyone? Designing a More Responsive Online Learning Environment - Explains Croquet initiative for content management system developed in open croquet source collaboration between Universities of Wisconsin-Madison, Minnesota, Kyoto, and Hewlett croquet Packard Research Labs. Teaching with Technology Today.
- Let's Get Ready to Teach with Virtual Learning Environments - Legal education context, history, non-technical description, proposed lesson format. Out squeak of the Jungle.
- Multi-User Collaborative Virtual Worlds Enable Deep Collaboration: Croquet - Description of rationale and features. Kolabora.
- The Croquet Project: An Open Source Solution to the OS Monopoly - Medium length description, and a few reader comments. Wisconsin Technology squeak Network.
- The Croquet Project: Very Cool - Brief non-technical description, in library context. Pegasus Librarian.
- Collaborative Editing Technology Comes to Campus - College stores and education context, report of demonstration news and media news and media at ConTEXT education session, description. CM Bulletin.
- Unconventional and Innovative: the Open Croquet Project - Skeptic's description and positive review. Computers in Libraries.
- Dr. Bert Freudenberg - Weblog on Croquet, Tweak, Squeak, Etoys, OLPC (One croquet Laptop Per Child), and related topics; weekly posts.
- Qwaq Launches Virtual Workspace - Brief reviw of Qwaq Forums, with historic context; croquet by Steve croquet Borsch. Connecting the Dots.
- Introducing Open Croquet - Brief news story with forum and comments, on croquet 3D environment based on Squeak.
- Croquet 2 Play - Weblog, focus: news, basic use, coding tips/issues. By Smalltalk programmer croquet Laurence Rozier, long time student of Dr. Funkencode.
- Croquet Project: It's a Very Fine Day - Brief high-level description, with reader comment, and links squeak to related squeak articles. Abandon the Web.
- Wow: 3D operating system, Open Croquet - Brief description and review of demonstration, many reader comments and links. Scobleizer.
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