Face Recognition Biometrics Security

An online resource for face recognition researchers that provides a standard set of well known algorithms and experimental protocols with which novel algorithms can be compared.

    Top: Computers: Security: Biometrics: Face Recognition

See Also:
  • Facial Expression Resources on the Web - Links to resources for research on facial expressions.
  • Face Detection Homepage - For information and material on the task of security detecting faces.
  • Face Detection and Face Recognition - Face detection and recognition software project includes an biometrics online demo of the algorithm, links to free biometrics software libraries, and a list of existing facial biometrics databases.
  • Face Recognition Homepage - Aims to provide scientists with the relevant information security in the area of face recognition. It is security intended to be an information pool for this security community.
  • Libface Project - Aims at developing an open-source, cross-platform library implementing security a variety biometrics of face recognition algorithms.
  • Evaluation of Face Recognition Algorithms - An online resource for face recognition researchers that security provides a face recognition standard set of well known algorithms security and experimental protocols with face recognition which novel algorithms can security be compared.
  • Automated Face Tracking And Recognition - Research paper on face tracking and recognition.[PDF]

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