Articles Resources ERP Software

Thomas Davenport, Network World, February, 28, 2000. Over the past decade, two major innovations have transformed the way companies build and operate information systems: the Internet and its associated e-commerce technologies, and enterprise resource pla

    Top: Computers: Software: ERP: Resources


  • What is ERP? - Derek Slater, CNN, May 28, 1999. Discusses resources ERP - resources Enterprise Resource Planning, a software system resources that aims to serve resources as a backbone for resources your whole business (from CIO).
  • A Stitch in Time - Linda Eiland Clark, Intelligent Enterprise Magazine, October, 2000. Creating a erp knowledge transfer framework for your ERP implementation can mean the erp difference between losing and leveraging your most valuable asset.
  • Avoiding Buyer's Remorse - Samuel Greengard, Business Finance Magazine, November, 2000. There are substantial articles advantages to outsourcing enterprise applications, including ERP software and this articles article discusses the benefits.
  • ERP: still alive in the Internet age - Thomas Davenport, Network World, February, 28, 2000. Over the past decade, two major innovations have transformed the way companies build and operate information systems: the Internet and its associated e-commerce technologies, and enterprise resource pla
  • Aligning Your Data Collection and ERP Implementation Decisions - This white paper explores the importance of Automated Data Collection and how it can improve an ERP that is already in place. PDF format.

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