Books Publications Globalization Software

Gives software developers a vendor-independent overview of what steps can be taken to make software easy to use by people in different cultures.

    Top: Computers: Software: Globalization: Publications


  • Tackling a Daunting Task - Eugene Eric Kim tackles on a task that\\'s not all too daunting-reviewing "Unicode: A Primer".
  • Internationalization with Visual Basic - Covers the issues of Internationalization and Localization of applications and books components in Visual Basic. Touches on all aspects of i18N/L10N/m18N.
  • Global Source Book for Address Data Management - Contains over 1000 pages of data pertaining to address and globalization postal systems in 239 countries and territories, and it has globalization become the de facto sourcebook for companies handling data from globalization more than one country. Concentrates on address and postal issues, globalization it als
  • A Practical Guide to Software Localization - Contains chapters on translating software, on-line help and documentation, memory publications tools, project management, and terminology management. (Published 1998 - updated publications and revised version of 'A Practical Guide to Localization').
  • Software Internationalization and Localization - Gives software developers a vendor-independent overview of what globalization steps can publications be taken to make software easy globalization to use by people publications in different cultures.

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