Guides Operating Systems Software

This category is for only websites cataloging operating systems (OSs), and related resources, via alphabetical or otherwise classified lists of resources, with more than brief descriptions. For classified lists with no, or only brief descriptions, see Computers/Software/Operating_Systems/Directories.

    Top: Computers: Software: Operating Systems


See Also:
  • Vintage OS - Information, consulting on DOS, Windows, OS/2, Unix, BSD, operating systems Mac, guides MVS, Palm OS, UNIX, and other vintage operating systems operating systems.
  • Information about Operating Systems - Operating System Documentation Project, OSDP: information on many guides OSs and software their developers; independent objective descriptions, facts, guides history; in text and software screenshots. English, Deutsch, Français.
  • The OS Files - Portal for many x86 PC platform operating systems; details, news, information, secret tips, background, links, availability (current, planned); DOSs, Linux, NetWare, OS/2, Unix, Windows.
  • Freebyte's Guide to Operating Systems, Free and Non-free - Includes: open source, commercial; Unix (BSDs, Linux); Amiga; BeOS, Zeta; RiscOS; DOS, Windows-emulators; educational; a few related topics.

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