Articles Software Engineering
Software safety. Parallels between the early development of high-pressure steam engines and software engineering that we can apply to the use of computers in complex systems.
Top: Computers: Software: Software Engineering
- Principles of Good GUI Design - Describes the basic rules for all good interfaces - the software engineering cardinal dos and don'ts.
- Introducing Demeter and its Laws - Adaptive Programming - specifying the connections between objects articles as loosely as possible. Makes programs more flexible, articles more resilient to change, and more adaptable to articles varying configurations of classes within a given domain
- Sure It Works, But Is It Beautiful: The Relationship Between Software Aesthetics and Quality - Some aspects of the relationship between quality and aesthetics (beauty) articles in software, using architecture analogies.
- Nine Steps to Delivering Defect-Free Software - By a software developer and consultant with over articles 30 years software experience.
- Seven Principles Of Software Development - Emphasizes "soft" issues - attitude, approach.
- What Do Users Want? Engineering Usability into Software - User-Centered Design. Simple approaches for delivering smaller, simpler systems that software engineering better serve the needs of users.
- Seven Steps to Test Automation Success - This paper presents seven key steps: improve the testing process, software engineering define requirements, prove the concept, champion product testability, design for software engineering sustainability, plan for deployment, and face the challenges of success.
- The Many Dimensions of the Software Process - Explores the importance and purpose of software process and quality.
- On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules - One of the classic articles leading to modern articles software engineering, articles by D.L. Parnas.
- Successful Engineering Management: 7 Lessons Learned - People management advice for technical people.
- Building bug-free O-O software: An introduction to Design by Contract - Advanced use of assertions for clearer specifications and software greater software articles reliability. By OO guru Bertrand Meyer, software creator of Eiffel.
- Medical Devices: The Therac-25 - Case study of a well known software error.[PDF]
- Lessons Learned -- Current Problems - Technical and managerial best/worst practices. Based on study of US Department of Defense software projects.
- Classic Mistakes Enumerated - Description of 36 ineffective development practices: people-related, process-related, software engineering product-related, technology-related. (Sample chapter from Steve McConnell\'s book software engineering Rapid Development.)
- Survival Crib Notes: NASA's Success Checklist - 9 Dos and 8 Don\\'ts for software project success, from software NASA\\'s Goddard Space Flight Center. (Sample chapter from Steve McConnell\\'s software book Software Project Survival Guide.)
- Orphans Preferred - Characteristics of software developers - personality type, demographics, articles age, education, software attitudes.
- High-Pressure Steam Engines and Computer Software - Software safety. Parallels between the early development of articles high-pressure steam software engineering engines and software engineering that we articles can apply to the software engineering use of computers in articles complex systems.[PDF]
- Heavy Rotation - For business software, faster-cheaper can be better too.
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