Design Software Engineering

Whiteboards are the most common modeling tool in use today. This essay explores how to model effectively on a whiteboard.

    Top: Computers: Software: Software Engineering


  • John R. Harris | Virtual Travelog - Site of a System Architect with ideas / software engineering opinions, software mostly regarding system design.
  • Bob Tarr's Design Patterns - Gives an introduction to design patterns and their software importance in design software design.
  • Chris Ruel's Object Technology Website - This website explores software engineering utilizing the principles of object design technology and design patterns to achieve methodical and consistent software design designs.
  • Software Information - Basic introductory information regarding the development of software. software Seems design to be targeted towards novices.
  • Whiteboard Modeling Tips and Techniques - Whiteboards are the most common modeling tool in software use today. This essay explores how to software model effectively on a whiteboard.
  • Refactoring Home Page - Refactoring is a technique to restructure code in a disciplined design way. It is useful for improving the design of design existing code.

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