Research Speech Technology Computers
Provides the academic community world-wide with a notational standard for the phonetic representation of all languages: the International Phonetic Alphabet.
Top: Computers: Speech Technology: Research
- Speech synthesis and prosody papers - Webpages of Dimitris Spiliotopoulos. Research in speech synthesis, intonation, prosody, natural language, talking robots.
- Recognition Technologies - Conducts research in the areas of speaker recognition computers (identification and computers verification), signature verification, speech recognition and computers handwriting recognition. Recognition computers engines and applications are computers currently being developed.
- TC-STAR Project: - Technology and corpora for speech to speech translation project - research includes information and details on the project, partners, public documents research and news.
- Speech Group ESAT/KULeuven Belgium - Site of the Leuven research group on speech technology (speech recognition, speech coding, and speech modification).
- MIT Spoken Language Systems Group - Research initiatives for improving the interaction between people research and computers research via natural spoken language. Publications, news research and events, and profiles research of researchers.
- IHear Machine Hearing Research - Services, products and information to enable hearing in research machines. Includes some demos and details of research models of complex sound pattern recognition.
- Speech Processing and Signal Analysis Group FEL CTU - Czech Technical University research focusing on enhancement of research speech in the running car environment, speech recognition research and to creating of databases of natural language. research Demo available for doing spectral subtraction on your research own data.
- STTS - Speech Technology Services - Offers development of technology for speech synthesis, speech computers recognition and speech technology lexica. Based in Stockholm.
- Speech Dialog Experiments - Investigates a method used to help developers verify their dialog computers models. Multimodal implementation for VoiceXML is given. Free binaries and computers source code.
- Automatic Speech Recognition - Creates a freely available, modular, state-of-the-art speech recognition speech technology system research that can be easily modified to suit speech technology research needs.
- Greek Dictation - From the Speech Recognition Group of the Technical computers University of Crete. Work in progress.
- Speech at Carnegie Mellon University - Dedicated to speech technology research, development, and deployment. research Offers open research source speech software, speech and language research projects, publications, and resources.
- Centre for Speech Technology Research - A multidisciplinary research centre that undertakes application-oriented speech research mainly in the areas of speech recognition and synthesis. Has implemented useful software, like the Festival speech synthesis system. Interested in collaborating with
- GritTec Laboratory - Research focused on speech enhancement, speech concealment, voice computers biometric, speech computers recognition, and speech synthesis.
- Speed of Sound, Inc. - Performs speech data collection and transcription in order to assist vendors and researchers in the training and evaluation of speech-recognition systems.
- National Center for Sign Language and Gesture Resources - Boston University resource for experimantal and analyzed data computers (especially from research native signers of ASL) to facilitate computers linguistic and computational research research on signed languages and computers the gestural components of spoken languages.
- Univ. Of Pennsylvania Speech Resource - Linguistic Data Consortium - an open consortium of computers labs, companies and universities. It creates, collects and computers distributes speech and text databases, lexicons, and computers other resources for speech research and development purposes. computers Founded by ARPA 1992.
- AVIOS - The Applied Voice Input/Output Society (AVIOS) is a research group computers dedicated to "real world" applications using speech technology.
- Russian Speech Database - Russian firm offering a large collection of .wav files containing Russian speaker samples on CD. Useful for voice and speech recognition research.
- Pfstar Project - European research consortium investigating multisensorial interaction. Two year project examining computers technologies for speech-to-speech translation, the detection and expressions of emotional computers states, and core speech technologies for children begins Oct 2002.
- Liberated Learning Project - Technology which automatically transcribes spoken language and displays speech technology it as readable text. Developing speech recognition technology speech technology as a means to accessible and barrier-free learning.
- WASPAA'97 Home page - IEEE 1997 Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio research and Acoustics.
- Research Paper on Rich Transcription - Rich Transcription of speech, speech and speaker recognition, naturallanguage processing
- Vishwac Sena - Speech recognition and synthesis based research activities and research papers. computers Particular focus on neural speech modeling, speech recognition and synthesis computers in virtual reality agents and virtual reality dramas.
- Speech Structure Recognition - Speech recognition based on inner structure. Pattern recognition computers method to research estimate which the inner structure of computers the spoken phoneme.
- Speech Module of an AI Mind - A design for the speech recognition portion of computers a robot. speech technology Source code and theory.
- Speech Recognition Group, Univ. of Cambridge - The Speech Recognition Group is part of the research Machine Intelligence research Lab at the University of Cambridge. research Its primary area of research research is large vocabulary research speech transcription. Its research interests also research include spoken research dialogue systems, multimedia document re
- Speech-based and Pervasive Interaction Group - Project is investigating non-visual, speech only user interfaces, research especially focusing on how the interface design can research make up for errors in recognition. Primarily Finnish research lanquage will be used.
- The Johns Hopkins Center for Language and Speech Processing (CLSP) - A university research program whose areas of research research include language modeling, natural language processing, neural auditory research processing, acoustic processing, optimality theory, and language acquisition. research Information about its research, courses, seminars a
- Microsoft Speech Technology Group - Engages in research and development of speech technologies research in a wide range of applications, including research speech recognition (Whisper) and speech synthesis (Whistler) and research Dr. Who.
- Cassette of Phonetic Sounds - For speech researchers interested in a standard for computers phonetic sounds. From University College of London.
- NIST Speech Group - The Speech Group at NIST (National Institute of research Standards and speech technology Technology) primarily engages in developing measurement research methods, providing reference materials, speech technology coordinating community-wide benchmark tests research within the research and development community speech technology and in
- International Phonetic Association - Provides the academic community world-wide with a notational standard for computers the phonetic representation of all languages: the International Phonetic Alphabet.
- LIMSI Spoken Language Processing Group - Main activities of the spoken language processing group speech technology cover the following domains: speech recognition, speech understanding, speech technology dialog systems, speaker and language recognition, speech translation speech technology and audio indexation.
- Nespole - "Negotiating through SPOken Language in E-commerce" project aims at contributing research to the promotion of economic growth in the e-commerce and research e-service area by improving speech to speech translation systems. Italian research based research project has Europ
- Haskins Laboratory at Yale University - Concentrates on speech synthesis, speech perception.
- University of Sheffield Speech and Hearing Research Group - Researches computational modeling of auditory and speech perception in humans and machines, robustness in speech recognition, and large vocabulary speech recognition systems and their applications.
- Farsi speech research - Speech processing in Farsi, especially speech enhancement, by speech technology Saeed speech technology Ayat, Tehran
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