Software and Tools Sports Gambling
A software application that allows the house and player to track wagers, download betting lines, and get final scores in real-time.
Top: Games: Gambling: Sports: Software and Tools
See Also:
- Sportxction - Interactive computer based software enabling users to wager gambling during the gambling course of a sporting event.
- Binteko Software - Offers free trial software for online sports trading on the gambling Betfair.
- Go Win Software - Soccer prediction software that includes results, statistics, and team evolutions for over 25 leagues.
- Well Done Software - Offers software for storing live market data in software and tools gambling real time from online trading.
- Soccer Stats Tracker - Program to help track statistics of previously played gambling soccer matches.
- FHolmes Software - Providing odds permutation and hedging bet calculator programs.
- Betexware - Betting exchange software provider for operators.
- International Toto - Offers free software containing soccer news, statistics, and sports analysis.
- Book Old School - Offers bookmakers sports betting, horse racing, and casino software to software and tools track customers daily activity.
- Ezytip Footy Tipping - Software for Australian Football League (AFL) Footy Tipping sports that runs gambling on Windows 95, 98, 2000, and sports XP.
- Backnine Bookie - Manage Calcutta or pari-mutuel wagering golf tournaments. Records rules, golfers sports and bettors, and computes odds and payouts.
- Tennis Data - Provides tennis results and fixed odds data for sports the development sports of computer based spread sheet betting sports systems.
- Wibeso - Probability calculations based on power ratings and regression modeling. software and tools Includes statistics, results, fixtures and standings.
- Football Data - Provides soccer results and match statistics ready for software and tools use with spreadsheet applications to help with computer-based software and tools betting systems.
- AddictWare - Bet management software - Provides software to track sports wagers on NHL, NCAA, MLB, NFL and MLS leagues.
- BetCalc - Offers 9 different types of bet calculators.
- Micro Brothers - Offers free trial handicapping software for pro and college football and pro basketball.
- Bookie Software - Design parlay cards on home computer.
- Ultimate Sports Book Manager - A software application that allows the house and sports player to software and tools track wagers, download betting lines, and sports get final scores in software and tools real-time.
- Mr. NFL - Statistics software prediction program for NFL and NCAA gambling division 1A games. All teams covered.
- Toto Wizard - Soccer program allowing full, abbreviated or conditioned wheels. Free trial.
- Basketball Handicapping Software - Updated software including a Money Line converter and software and tools calculator for ROI and parlay formulas.
- PDS Sports - Offering a wide range of sports handicapping software.
- Nags Head Software - Sells golf tournament and horse racing pari-mutuel betting gambling software. Free trial version available.
- 100% Cotton Software - Provides an NFL forecaster software and a calendar that handles sports sports schedules, phone logs, tickler files and appointment lists.
- Bet Consult - Software for betting on soccer matches in UK gambling and Europe.
- Odds Wizard - Sports prediction software. Generates various odds and probabilities for over gambling 70 soccer leagues. The NFL and NHL leagues are also gambling covered.
- Intelli Tipster - Sports prediction and league management software.
- Bet-IE - Betting exchange software used for horse racing arbitrage gambling wagering. sports Support forums and training videos offered.
- M.W. Pitts - Software to run his own social golf betting environment.
- Football Prognosticator - Database program that calculates ATS records and point software and tools differentials to determine winning teams against the bookmakers software and tools odds.
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