Wraith The Oblivion World of Darkness Horror Genres
Includes an essay on Storytelling, an essay on Stygian Government after the maelstrom, and an idea for "Wraithpunk"
Top: Games: Roleplaying: Genres: Horror: World of Darkness
Wraith The Oblivion
Editor's Picks:
The Wraith Project

- The Wraith-Vs-HoL Home Page - A satirical crossover between Wraith and HoL.
- Necropolis Hamilton - History and geography of a necropolis in Hamilton, horror Ontario.
- DigitalRaven's Roleplaying - Includes an essay on Storytelling, an essay on Stygian Government after the maelstrom, and an idea for "Wraithpunk"
- Ex Libris Nocturnis: Wraith - The Wraith section of this popular World of world of darkness Darkness site. Provides resources, book reviews, and world of darkness fiction.
- Knocking on Charon's Door - Resources for the horror RPG Wraith: The Oblivion, wraith the oblivion wraith the oblivion including new Arcanoi, creatures, and special items.
- Just A Damn Wraith's Haunt - Home of the Wraith-L Frequently Asked Questions list.
- The Underworld - Features character sheets and hyperlinks.
- The Storytime Project - Fiction by members of the Wraith-L mailing list.
- Necropolis New York - Background for an IRC chronicle.
- How to Run Wraith: The Oblivion - An essay written to help new Storytellers run their Wraith Chronicles.
- Greater Houston Area Wraith Source Material - Material relating to the Houston Area, with specific horror sections on the hurricane of 1900 and the horror Texas City disaster.
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