Feng Shui Modern and Espionage Genres Roleplaying

Feng Shui, the roleplaying game of Hong Kong action movies, is a stripped down tuned up superaccelerated RPG for those who want a side of tension with their gun fights and appreciate the finer points of melodrama.

    Top: Games: Roleplaying: Genres: Modern and Espionage

Feng Shui

See Also:
  • Fortress of Shadow - Fight locations, characters, and house rules. Also, feng shui reviews feng shui of Hong Kong action movies.
  • The Genocide Longue - David Blewer\\'s site covers more than Feng Shui genres but has feng shui plenty of original content. Material from genres contributors cover topics ranging feng shui from character templates to genres arcanowave gadgets. Includes Fist of The feng shui Wolf which genres converts White Wolf's Werewolf to Feng Shui
  • WebRing: fengshuigame - Group of interlinked sites also known as the "Feng Shui feng shui RPG Webring".
  • The unofficial Feng Shui site - Feng Shui, the roleplaying game of Hong Kong action movies, modern and espionage is a stripped down tuned up superaccelerated RPG for those modern and espionage who want a side of tension with their gun fights modern and espionage and appreciate the finer points of melodrama.
  • 250 Names for Feng Shui - This page refreshes every fifteen minutes and each modern and espionage feng shui times gives a fresh batch of names modern and espionage feng shui appropriate for naming both PCs and GMCs in modern and espionage feng shui keeping with the setting's HK Action Films origins.
  • Feng Shui on Flick - House rules and fu power analysis.
  • The Mana Bros. Feng Shui Pages - Feng Shui RPG resources: 3 cool new archetypes, campaign outlines, modern and espionage links. More to come.

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