Golden Compass, The Action-Adventure Video Games

Preview, by Jennifer Tsao: "With optional quests to unlock items and multiple paths to progress through the levels, it looks like the developers are putting care into making this one deeper than usual."

    Top: Games: Video Games: Action-Adventure

Golden Compass, The

See Also:
  • Sega: The Golden Compass - Official site with trailer, character information, locations, video, action-adventure screenshots and video games wallpaper.
  • 1UP - Preview, by Jennifer Tsao: "With optional quests to golden compass, the unlock items and multiple paths to progress through golden compass, the the levels, it looks like the developers are golden compass, the putting care into making this one deeper than golden compass, the usual."
  • IGN - Screenshots, previews, news, and a message board.
  • GameZone - News, preview, trailer, screenshots, and links.
  • GameSpy - Provides information, previews, and screenshots.
  • GameSpot - News, previews, images, and a forum.
  • Team Xbox - Previews, screenshots, and a movie.

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