Reviews and Previews Urban Chaos Urban Chaos Series Action-Adventure

"A disappointment, not because it was expected to be better, but it had so much going for it in gameplay and innovation, only too fall short because of control and visual weaknesses." [Dreamcast]

    Top: Games: Video Games: Action-Adventure: Urban Chaos Series: Urban Chaos

Reviews and Previews

See Also:
  • ign - "A disappointment, not because it was expected to reviews and previews be better, but it had so much going reviews and previews for it in gameplay and innovation, only too reviews and previews fall short because of control and visual weaknesses." reviews and previews [Dreamcast]
  • Game Revolution - "Urban Chaos has a couple fun new gaming reviews and previews urban chaos elements and fairly cool graphics, but it\\'s still reviews and previews urban chaos basically your standard Eidos fare." Review by reviews and previews urban chaos Brian with score. [Windows]
  • Absolute Playstation - ""If Grand Theft Auto made you pull the hairs out urban chaos series of your head then prepare for another hair-cut. Urban Chaos urban chaos series is sooo frustrating on the control side of things, but urban chaos series the style of gameplay will be a massive hit with urban chaos series many of you. It covers many ge

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