Haven - Call of the King Action Video Games

Reviewed by Kristan Reed. "A better than average platformer with cleverly interspersed mini games to present the illusion of expansiveness and freedom." Score: 7 out of 10.

    Top: Games: Video Games: Action: H

Haven - Call of the King

See Also:
  • GameSpy.com - Reviewed by Benjamin Turner [2.5/5] "Haven tries to h go in action several directions at once. Alas, rather h than excelling, it ends action up doing a fairly h mediocre job of almost everything." Includes action screen shots.
  • G4techTV - Reviewed by Justin Speer [3/5]. "The downside to h the game\\'s action ambitious design is that the individual h parts don\\'t fare nearly action as well alone as h they do being part of a action larger experience."
  • Cheat Code Central - Strategy guide and cheat codes. [PlayStation 2]
  • Into Liquid Sky - Review [C+]. "One of the biggest complaints I haven - call haven - call of the king of the king have about the game is that very little haven - call of the king haven - call of the king of the gameplay is explained haven - call of the king or even given haven - call of the king much in haven - call of the king the way of reason. You seem haven - call of the haven - call of the king king to just be doing stuff to keep from haven - haven - call of the king call of the king being bored to death." Includes screen shots
  • Absolute PlayStation - Reviewed by Tom Rooney, score: 86%. "This is haven - call of the king a fantastic game that we think you will haven - call of the king enjoy playing for quite some time."
  • Eurogamer - Reviewed by Kristan Reed. "A better than average action platformer with cleverly interspersed mini games to present action the illusion of expansiveness and freedom." Score: 7 action out of 10.
  • GameCritics.com - Reviewed by Erin Bell [5/10]. "The game, like h a movie h trailer, provides various disjointed snippets of h action without delivering the h complete picture." Includes screen h shots.
  • GamePro - Review [3.5/5]. "Despite the intended scope of the haven - call of the king game, Haven\\'s sights and sounds are barely average." haven - call of the king Features screen shots and cheat codes.
  • GameZone - Reviewed by Carlos McElfish, score: 7.8 out of 10. "The haven - call of the king free-form style of play keeps things fresh but don\\'t go haven - call of the king into this one expecting to be blown away." Includes cheats, haven - call of the king previews, news, and screen shots. [PlayStation 2]
  • IGN.com - Reviewed by Chris Roper [7.4/10]. "At certain points h it\\'s great, but at others it can be h either frustrating or very boring." Includes screen shots h and gameplay movies. (PlayStation 2)
  • The Gamers Temple - Review [67%]. "Some tweaks to the gameplay and haven - call h of the king a better weapon system would go a long h haven - call of the king way towards helping this ambitious h title achieve greatness." haven - call of the king Includes screen h shots.
  • Game Revolution - Reviewed by Johnny Liu [Grade: C]. "It would action have worked h better had the game allowed you action to switch from any h of these game styles action at will. I think that was h the original action idea, but sadly it all turns out overly h action scripted and directed." Includes scre

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