Reviews and Previews Syberia II Syberia Series Graphical Adventures
Written by Omni, "Even with it’s somewhat weaker story (in comparison to the original), Syberia II still managed to send a chill up my spine as the story closed." [Score: 8.5/10]
Top: Games: Video Games: Adventure: Graphical Adventures: Syberia Series: Syberia II
Reviews and Previews
See Also:
- Top/Games/Video Games/Adventure/Graphical Adventures/Syberia Series/Reviews and Previews
- Top/Games/Video Games/Adventure/News and Reviews
- Armchair Empire Review - Written by Omni, "Even with it’s somewhat weaker story (in syberia series comparison to the original), Syberia II still managed to send syberia series a chill up my spine as the story closed." [Score: syberia series 8.5/10]
- GameBoomers - Preview. "[Y]ou do not want to miss this syberia ii game."
- GameSpot Preview (PC) - In-depth look at Syberia II with 89 screenshots. By Brett syberia ii Todd.
- Syberia II: Adventures in Tedium - Reviewed by Jacqueline Lott and Sam Ashwell.
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