Moon Mages DragonRealms Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying

Contains information on the moons and planets, a star chart, observation instructions, Elanthian books, and a directory of Moon Mages.

    Top: Games: Video Games: Roleplaying: Massive Multiplayer Online: DragonRealms

Moon Mages

  • The Moonolith - Reference guide with information on travel times to various points on Elanthia, prediction information, combat overview, and role-playing tips.
  • The Lunar Eclipse - Includes a general guide to Elanthia from the dragonrealms viewpoint of a Moon Mage. Also has guides dragonrealms to Moon Mages and a spell list.
  • Eldrad's - Contains information on the moons and planets, a moon mages star chart, observation instructions, Elanthian books, and a moon mages directory of Moon Mages.

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