History Alcoholics Anonymous Support Groups Alcohol

The authors suggest that AA did not originate in Christianity since it has never required members to believe in Christ crucified.

    Top: Health: Addictions: Substance Abuse: Alcohol: Support Groups: Alcoholics Anonymous


See Also:
  • A.A. in Regular Magazines - Complete text of several articles in general circulation support groups magazines. From the History Lovers archive. ["Next" "Previous" support groups scrolls more]
  • Preserving the History of Alcoholics Anonymous - Describes the Kirk Collection on AA at Brown University. Includes history of colonial and revolutionary temperance movements, Prohibition and repeal, and more modern studies of alcohol and alcoholism that emphasize Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • The Emmanuel Movement and the Jacoby Club - Traces AA to the 1906 Emmanuel Movement of history Boston. Spirituality alcoholics anonymous and lay psychotherapy helped alcoholics. Courtenay history Baylor became Rowland Hazard\\'s alcoholics anonymous therapist in 1933. Hazard history worked with Ebby Thatcher and Ebby alcoholics anonymous gave it history to Bill Wilson who then became co-founde
  • The Survival of a Fitting Quotation - Researcher traces the origin of the "contempt prior support groups to investigation" quote to William Paley (1743-1845). The support groups Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous credited it to support groups Herbert Spencer (1820-1903). [Also available in PDF]
  • Australian AA History - Tells of the start and growth of Alcoholics alcoholics anonymous Anonymous history in Australia (1942 thru 1999).
  • The Serenity Prayer - Origins In England and Germany - The Serenity Prayer is often attributed to Reinhold Niebuhr. This support groups article in "Respectfully Quoted" traces it to 14th England and support groups 18th century Germany.
  • The Lord's Prayer - Letter from AA co-founder Bill W about the custom of alcoholics anonymous using this prayer to close an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
  • How the West was Won - How Alcoholics Anonymous came to the West of England.
  • I Was a Pagan (1934) - Some ideas in early AA came from "I support groups Was alcoholics anonymous a Pagan" by Victor Kitchen, an Oxford support groups Group member. alcoholics anonymous Complete text in PDF format.[PDF]
  • AA History from Cybriety.org - Scores of articles, letters, and pictures about the development of Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • The Co-founders of Alcoholics Anonymous - Articles about and talks by Bill W and support groups Doctor support groups Bob S. Includes memorial service talk by support groups Bill in support groups memory of Bob. Some recordings available support groups in Real Audio.
  • Tombstone at Winchester Cathedral - Photograph of the tombstone which is quoted on alcoholics anonymous Page support groups 1 of the Big Book of Alcoholics alcoholics anonymous Anonymous.
  • JAMA Big Book Review 1939 - Brief 1939 Journal of the American Medical Association support groups critique support groups of Alcoholics Anonymous said that, other than support groups recognition of support groups the seriousness of addiction to alcohol, support groups "the book has support groups no scientific merit or interest."
  • Catholic Asceticism and the Twelve Steps - Father Ed Dowling 1953 article gives a Catholic history view of history Alcoholics Anonymous. Compares it to the history Spiritual Exercises of St. history Ignatius.
  • AA Basics: A Study - One writer\\'s view of the Twelve Steps and support groups their history relation to Bible verses such as in support groups James, Matthew history 5-7 (Sermon on the Mount), and support groups 1 Corinthians 13.
  • A.A. History Buffs - Collection of articles and resources by various AA historians including alcoholics anonymous moderator Nancy Olson. Forum was replaced in 2002 by "A.A. alcoholics anonymous History Lovers" due to a technical problem.
  • Carl Jung, a New England Family, and the Risks of Anecdote - The history of Alcoholics Anonymous, exploring the connection between Carl history Jung and Rowland Hazard. New research corrects some misconceptions and history fills in details.
  • AA History and Trivia - A sober web site for recovering alcoholics. Questions alcoholics anonymous and history answers on AA History and other fun alcoholics anonymous for members history of Alcoholics Anonymous and their friends.
  • History of AA in Ireland - About the people who first brought Alcoholics Anonymous alcoholics anonymous to support groups Ireland.
  • Circle and Triangle Logo - What happened to the triangle in the circle? History of why this symbol was removed from Alcoholics Anonymous publications in 1993.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous in Bristol and the West of England - Brief history of how AA came to Bristol, alcoholics anonymous England, history and spread from there.
  • AA Archival and Historical Materials - Reviews the writings of Bill Wilson, Richmond Walker, Father Ralph Pfau, and Ed Webster.
  • The Oxford Group Connection - An article about the Oxford Group and its history influence in the early history of Alcoholics Anonymous. history Focuses on events from 1908 through the founding history of AA in 1935.
  • The Names of God - To find a God of our understanding, there are four support groups traditional paths in western spirituality going back to ancient Christian support groups and Jewish thought. All are part of the history of support groups Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • The Common Sense of Drinking - This 1931 book by Richard Peabody was influential alcoholics anonymous in history the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous. Complete text alcoholics anonymous is available history as a PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file.
  • Writing The Big Book - Most of the ideas and wording in the support groups A.A. alcoholics anonymous book came from other writers. An essay support groups by archivist alcoholics anonymous and historian Mitchell K.
  • Phoenix A.A. History Conference - Annual event. Three days of Alcoholics Anonymous history history and archives. alcoholics anonymous Usually in late winter.
  • AA Grapevine on Early Groups - Collection of articles 1944-48 about activities of groups alcoholics anonymous as they formed. Complete Grapevine text. From the alcoholics anonymous History Lovers archives. ["Next" "Previous" scrolls more]
  • Early A.A. Growth - Posting from AA History Lovers summarizes sources of information about growth of earliest groups.
  • Oxford Group Books - PDF downloads of "Soul Surgery" and "What Is the Oxford history Group?" and "I Was a Pagan." Alcoholics Anonymous is a history descendent of the Oxford Groups.
  • Dallas, Texas, AA History - Esther E. ("A Flower of the South") introduced AA to history Dallas in 1943. Includes an interview with oldtimer Searcy W.
  • Dr. Robert Smith Archives at Brown University - The collection of correspondence, meeting notes and books alcoholics anonymous of Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder Dr. Robert H. Smith alcoholics anonymous has been acquired by Brown University and alcoholics anonymous will be made available to researchers interested in alcoholics anonymous the origins of 12-step recovery programs.
  • Sue Smith Windows Memorial Book - Obituary and funeral card of the daughter of history Doctor Bob, alcoholics anonymous co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. February 15, history 1918 to February 9, alcoholics anonymous 2002.
  • The Rockefeller Dinner for A.A. - Digest of proceedings at dinner given by Mr. alcoholics anonymous John support groups D. Rockefeller Jr., in the interest of alcoholics anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous support groups at Union Club, New York City, alcoholics anonymous February 8, 1940.[PDF]
  • The Third Step and Your Prayer - Examples of prayers in use prior to publication alcoholics anonymous of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • The Jack Alexander Article - "Alcoholics Anonymous" by Jack Alexander, Saturday Evening Post, March 1, 1941. This resulted in a major growth of AA.
  • Twelve Step History - Several articles about AA and the Twelve Steps collected by support groups Serenity Found.
  • A Manual for Alcoholics Anonymous - 1940 - A Manual for Alcoholics Anonymous From AA Group history No. 1, alcoholics anonymous Akron, Ohio, 1940 - Dr. Bob\'s history Home Group
  • Big Book Early Manuscript - This early draft of the Big Book of alcoholics anonymous Alcoholics history Anonymous was written before the manuscript that alcoholics anonymous was distributed history for review.
  • A.A. History Lovers - A discussion group for those interested in the alcoholics anonymous history of Alcoholics Anonymous. Replaced the earlier History alcoholics anonymous Buffs group.
  • An 1878 View of The Washingtonians - Article from book "The Temperance Reform and its Great Reformers." The Washingtonians was an early predecessor of AA which faded away.
  • Tennessee Archives - This site is Tennessee State Archives of Alcoholics Anonymous in Area 64. The main purpose is to carry the message to the still suffering Alcoholic.
  • AA Holy Grail - Big Book Master Copy - New owner of draft manuscript of the Big support groups Book alcoholics anonymous of Alcoholics Anonymous will make it available support groups for AA alcoholics anonymous historians and researchers. Many editing notations support groups show suggested changes alcoholics anonymous that were and were not support groups made.
  • Sponsorship Pamphlet from 1944 - "A.A. Sponsorship... Its Obligations and Its Responsibilities" by support groups Clarence S. was first published by Cleveland Central support groups Office.[PDF]
  • Bill W Obituary - New York Times News Service article on the passing of history A.A. co-founder Bill W on Sunday, January 24, 1971.
  • Searcy W - Interview with early Texas AA member who was support groups 54+ years sober at the time.
  • What is the Oxford Group? (1933) - Some ideas of early AA came from "What support groups is the Oxford Group? by The Layman With support groups a Notebook, an anonymous Oxford Group member. Complete support groups text.[PDF]
  • Minneapolis A.A. Beginners Classes - This instructor\\'s outline for the Minneapolis A.A. Beginners Classes was used in 1942.
  • Soul Surgery (1919) - Some ideas in early AA came from "Soul Surgery" by history Howard Walker, an Oxford Group member. Complete text in PDF history format.[PDF]
  • People in AA History - An anterwoven web of the people mentioned in Alcoholics Anonymous literature, who they are and how they fit in
  • An A.A. History Archive - A collection of articles and letters relating to the early history of Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • Jellinek Chart of Alcoholism - Historic chart shows progression of alcoholic decline and recovery.[PDF]
  • Old School A.A. - Books about the Christian techniques of the early A.A. fellowship.
  • Tombstone of Thomas Thetcher - The inscription on this tombstone at Winchester Cathedral support groups is support groups quoted in "Bill\\'s Story" in the Big support groups Book of support groups Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • For Drunks Only - Preface to "For Drunks Only" gives history of that book as well as the popular "Twenty-Four Hours a Day" meditation book.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous Historical Data - The Birth of A.A. and its growth in alcoholics anonymous U.S. and Canada. By the AA General Service alcoholics anonymous Office.
  • Some Early Sobriety Mementos - Photos of some early tokens marking various periods support groups of sobriety in AA. These led to the support groups chips that some groups still use today.
  • Success Rates in Early A.A. - Alcoholics Anonymous still works for alcoholics who want to stop support groups drinking and who really try. Numbers look different because early support groups AA prescreened candidates. Examples.
  • Dick B Articles on A.A. History - This prolific writer focuses on the Christian and Bible influences support groups on early Alcoholics Anonymous. Articles and links.
  • A List of A.A. History Sites - History sites and resources compiled by writer Dick alcoholics anonymous B.
  • Diagnostic Criteria for Alcohol Abuse and Dependence - Formal definitions of alcoholism, alcohol abuse, and alcohol history dependence are support groups updated over time. This paper follows history them from Jellinek\\'s 1941 support groups work to today\'s DSM-IV history criteria.
  • Angel of Hope - Offers a video biography of Sister Ignatia who provided medical care for many early members of Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • AA Original Manuscript Up for Auction - Final marked-up manuscript of the Big Book of support groups Alcoholics alcoholics anonymous Anonymous sold at auction. History group participant support groups describes some alcoholics anonymous significant edits that had been considered.
  • A.A. History by Mitchell K. - A collection of articles by historian and archivist Mitchell K. history on the history of Alcoholics Anonymous.
  • Christian or Occult Roots? - The authors suggest that AA did not originate alcoholics anonymous in Christianity since it has never required members alcoholics anonymous to believe in Christ crucified.
  • Photographs from AA History - A collection from the early days of Alcoholics Anonymous with support groups a few more recent pictures.
  • In AA's First Five Years - An AA Grapevine article from 1967 by Lois W. A bit of Alcoholics Anonymous history including how Al-Anon was started.
  • A.A. in Religious Magazines - Complete text of several articles in religious magazines. From the History Lovers archive. ["Next" "Previous" scrolls more]
  • Plain Dealer - Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper articles on Alcoholics Anonymous. alcoholics anonymous Elrick Davis, October 1939. Took AA beyond mere alcoholics anonymous word of mouth.
  • Slaying the Dragon: The History of Addiction Treatment and Recovery - Book review and summary. Alcoholism was seen in history America as history an illness from Surgeon General Benjamin history Rush in 1784 to history present treatment centers. Follows history mutual support groups from Native Americans history in 1772 history to Alcoholics Anonymous and other fellowships of tod

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