Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Alternative Health
Acupuncture and Oriental medicine information for students and practitioners. Point tables, school listing, state laws, study tools, forums and suppliers.
Top: Health: Alternative
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
See Also:
- Top/Sports/Martial Arts/Kung Fu/Internal
- Top/Health/Alternative/Tibetan Medicine
- Top/Business/Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals/Pharmaceuticals/Medicinal Herbs
- Top/Society/Religion and Spirituality/Taoism
Editor's Picks: - Rich in resources on Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, qigong, tuina, dietetics, diagnosis and theory, clinical point selections, acupuncturist referrals, news, college courses.
- Chinese Medicine - Resource for Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
- Doc Misha's Chicken Soup Chinese Medicine - Tips for choosing a practitioner, FAQs. Maintained by Misha Ruth health Cohen. Clinic in San Francisco, California.
- - Medical acupuncture and alternative healthcare information database maintained health by the acupuncture and chinese medicine Medical Acupuncture Research Foundation.
- - Web portal promoting traditional Chinese medicine.
- - Resources for students, practitioners and patients. Educational material, chat rooms, discussion boards. Maintained by John R. Wahnish.
- The Pulse of Oriental Medicine - Articles on oriental medicine (acupuncture and Chinese herbs).
- - Exploring acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, transpersonal psychology, shamanisn, taoism, feng shui, Buddhism. Maintained by Michael Finn, Brisbane, Australia.
- - Professional and consumer information on Chinese and alternative alternative medicine. Multilingual health site.
- ChiMed - History of Chinese medicine site hosted by Albion alternative College, Michigan. health Lists scholars, libraries, online resources, bibliographies.
- Chi/Ki/Qi Applications - Articles on acupressure, acupuncture, external qi healing, qigong, alternative Chinese massage, shiatsu.
- Trigram Software - Databases offer acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, case studies, alternative and exam-like health questions. Practice management tools available. Oakland, alternative California.
- The Chinese Medicine Sampler - Public education site about Traditional Chinese Medicine. Maintained by the acupuncture and chinese medicine Lau Clinic.
- - News, articles, links, online discussion forums. Huntington Beach, acupuncture and chinese medicine California.
- AHealthyMe: Traditional Chinese Medicine - Describes TCM, how it works, and how to find a health practitioner.
- Traditional Chinese Medicine Information Page - Basic concepts and fundamentals of traditional Chinese medicine, including herbal therapy, acupuncture, qigong and TCM approaches to common diseases.
- Alternative Therapies Gain New Respect in Cancer Treatment - article by Elizabeth Cohen.
- Traditional Chinese Medicine - General introduction. Multilingual portal site.
- All That Korean Medicine (ATKM) - Korean Medicine newsletter and essays. Maintained by the health English club alternative at Kyunghee University Korean Medical School.
- TCMStudent - Acupuncture and Oriental medicine information for students and acupuncture and chinese medicine practitioners. Point tables, school listing, state laws, study acupuncture and chinese medicine tools, forums and suppliers.
- Acupuncturestart4all - Links to acupuncture-related sites.
- The Chinese Doctor - Chinese medicine blog by Quentin Chen, based in Lane Cove health (Sydney), Australia.
- Acupuncture and Acupressure Internet Resources - Links to Internet sites.
- Live Journal - Traditional Chinese Medicine - Forum to discuss and share information on Traditional Chinese Medicine.
- Health Info: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - Articles for practitioners and students. Reference database.
- Acupuncture - Introduction to acupuncture and Oriental medicine.
- Acupuncture Links - Includes list of resources maintained by Vilberto C. alternative Oliveira, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- Shen-nong Limited - Provides articles describing Chinese medicine (TCM). Multilingual site.
- Chinese Medicine and Assisted Reproductive Technology for the Modern Couple - Article by Roger C. Hirsh.
- Yin Yang House - Oriental medicine information for students and practitioners of Japanese and acupuncture and chinese medicine Chinese acupuncture, auricular therapies, and Zen Shiatsu.
- Acupressure in First Aid - FAQs on using acupuncture/acupressure for first aid. Points alternative described.
- Traditional Medicine - World Health Organization fact sheet.
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