News and Media Lyme Disease Spirochetal Infectious Diseases
Doctors are clashing (and some are even forfeiting their licenses) over how to treat Lyme disease, the infection that takes a licking but appears to keep on ticking.
Top: Health: Conditions and Diseases: Infectious Diseases: Spirochetal: Lyme Disease
News and Media
- Tick Tick Tick, City Paper, Philadelphia - Tiny bug, big trouble: Why the Lyme disease spirochetal controversy is spirochetal tearing the medical community apart.
- Germ Warfare, New York Magazine - Doctors are clashing (and some are even forfeiting their licenses) over how to treat Lyme disease, the infection that takes a licking but appears to keep on ticking.
- Lyme Disease News - Topix - Latest news stories on the disease.
- LYME-PAC Requests Public Hearings, PRNewswire -
- New Vaccine Targets Lyme Disease - An article from the FDA Consumer Magazine.
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