Personal Pages Hydrocephalus Neurological Disorders Conditions and Diseases

Family photos, stories and updates. Sarah, oldest of three girls, was born premature and lives with hydrocephalus; shunted since one month old.

    Top: Health: Conditions and Diseases: Neurological Disorders: Hydrocephalus

Personal Pages

See Also:
  • Massimo Montebello - Living with Hydrocephalus - A weblog containing photos and videos of Massimo neurological disorders Montebello, neurological disorders an 11 month old boy born with neurological disorders Congenital Hydrocephalus.
  • Mafalda's Homepage - Experiences with hydrocephalic daughter, information, photos and updates hydrocephalus on progress. neurological disorders (English/Portuguese)
  • Tim and Hydrocephalus - Features their son who was born with hydrocephalus and oesophagusatresi.
  • VP Shunt Implant - It's a Lifetime Thing - A mother\\'s advice and personal story of raising her daughter. Information and descriptions of diagnostic tests and treatments for hydrocephalus.
  • Violet's Journey with Hydrocephalus and Microphthalmia - Follows the journey of Violet who was born neurological disorders with hydrocephalus this brain condition and eye condition.
  • Hydrocephalus and Oesophagealatresia - The author\\'s son Tim was born with in hydrocephalus 1992 with personal pages these conditions. Find the information they hydrocephalus have compiled in English, personal pages Finnish and Swedish.
  • A Journey to Hydrocephalus - A parent\\'s description of the diagnosis and ongoing neurological disorders adventure neurological disorders of her daughter's life with this disorder.
  • Kori's Story - Personal information, photos, and updates about Kori, diagnosed hydrocephalus with hydrocephalus and shunted at age two months.
  • A Miracle Named Kerri - Personal story of Kerri\\'s experiences with congenital hydrocephalus, shunting and neurological disorders a Craniectomy. Photo gallery and poems.
  • Simon Allanach's Hydrocephalus - Simon\\'s interests and information about hydrocephalus and personal personal pages experiences. hydrocephalus Relates causes, treatments, complications, and procedures.
  • Ryan's Hydrocephalus Page - Details the birth, development, and special needs of hydrocephalus this special personal pages boy born in 1998 with hydrocephalus.
  • The Rafel's - Family photos, stories and updates. Sarah, oldest hydrocephalus of three girls, was born premature and lives hydrocephalus with hydrocephalus; shunted since one month old.
  • Sarah's Story - Accounts a parents\\' experiences with their daughter through diagnosis and personal pages treatments during her first two years.

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