Personal Pages Hyperhidrosis Skin Disorders Conditions and Diseases
Personal blog that examines the physical and emotional effects, as well as ways to treat the condition and the accompanying social anxiety.
Top: Health: Conditions and Diseases: Skin Disorders: Hyperhidrosis
Personal Pages
- HQH's Resources - First hand experience with hyperhidrosis and surgery to hyperhidrosis disable it. Description of how everything went.
- Sweaty Palm Diaries: Stories of People with Hyperhidrosis - Personal blog that examines the physical and emotional skin disorders effects, as well as ways to treat the skin disorders condition and the accompanying social anxiety.
- Inspiration - An upbeat perspective for women coping with excessive hyperhidrosis underarm perspiration. skin disorders Treatment options, experiences, letters, and links.
- Hyperhidrosis and Facial Blushing - Philip offers his story including information about his surgery and skin disorders recovery.
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