Services Fitness Health

Leisure management software for health clubs and leisure centres. Booking systems, point of sale, access control, swipe cards, direct debit.

    Top: Health: Fitness: Services

  • Fitness Presenters - Booking agency for Sharon Mann, David Snively, Libby Norris, Farhan services Dhalla, and Danny MacKinnon.
  • Aerobic Atlanta, Inc. - Creating corporate fitness programs for employees, residents, tenants, and others who want to live healthier lifestyles.
  • The Teach Fitness Network - For fitness professionals, includes product and class reviews, services forums, music fitness exchange and website design.
  • Juergen Bamberger, Gyrontonics - Teacher and teacher trainer in Gyrotonics and Gyrokinesis. Sells fitness Gyrotonic machines.
  • American Leisure Corp. - Design, construction and staffing of fitness facilities for major hotels services and upscale communities. New York City.
  • DynamiX Corporate - Information on corporation fitness and wellness programs including health classes, massage, nutrition and ergonomics. Toronto.
  • Exercise Friends - Search for an exercise partner. Friends can help fitness to motivate.
  • ECA World Fitness - Stages conventions, offers workshops for instructors and enthusiasts, job links, health videos.
  • Apex Fitness - Designs programs for people who want to control services weight, improve performance and lead healthy lifestyles.
  • HFC Health Fitness Corporation - Wellness programs, worksite health, fitness management for corporations, hospitals, universities, services communities, clubs.
  • Wilfred R. Cameron Wellness Center - Good health through the art and science of fitness medicine and health fitness. Associate of Washington Hospital, PA.
  • Les Mills International Ltd - Distributor of trademarked exercise programs, with class locator, fitness program details, fitness company history, and demonstration video.
  • FitnessWave - Mobile hydrostatic body fat testing, equipment sales and services leasing. California.
  • - Gym management software and software development services.
  • FITKO - Club management software keeps membership data, attendance, payments and receipts.
  • Country Club Fitness - Fitness center planning, design, management, and staffing for country clubs, resorts, hotels.
  • Stretch Now - Offers fitness programs for corporate employees, as well health as posters health and books about maintaining health in health the workplace.
  • SportSoft - Leisure management software for health clubs and leisure services centres. Booking fitness systems, point of sale, access control, services swipe cards, direct debit.
  • Customized Fitness Systems - Fitness center design, new and used treadmills, stair fitness climbers, bikes, strength machines. Venice, CA.
  • Fit Beach Fitness Convention - Annual fitness conference with all inclusive vacation. services Negril, Jamaica. health ACE and AFAA CEC's.
  • Exer-Fit - Provides resources and expertise for planning fitness centers services in colleges, services high schools, and corporate settings. Littleton, services CO, US.
  • Peak Performance - Marketing and promotion such as direct mail, flyers, brochures, posters, services newsletters.
  • AFCS Ltd. - Aquila Fitness Consulting Systems designs and manages worksite health programs. New York and Pennsylvania offices.
  • HealthCalc Network - Helping hospitals, managed care organizations, corporations, fitness centers health to deliver health and manage health programs worldwide.
  • Intrafitt - Individualized nutrition and exercise counseling.
  • Diet, Fitness, Health, and Medical Cartoons - Over 200 available for viewing. Professional cartoon service by Randy Glasbergen.

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