Research Perinatology Medical Specialties Medicine
Attached to the University of Alberta, and conducting studies in the laboratory, hospital and community, with details of seminars and core facilities. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Top: Health: Medicine: Medical Specialties: Perinatology
See Also:
- Top/Health/Medicine/Medical Specialties/Pediatrics/Neonatology/Research
- Top/Health/Medicine/Medical Specialties/Pediatrics/Research
- Canadian Perinatal Network - Research and national scientific collaboration for the improvement of maternal medical specialties and fetal health.
- Perinatal Research Centre - Attached to the University of Alberta, and conducting studies in medical specialties the laboratory, hospital and community, with details of seminars and medical specialties core facilities. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- National Perinatal Information Center - A non-profit organization involved in research and evaluation perinatology of services and hospitals. Includes information on data perinatology analysis of diagnoses, procedures, infant birth weights and perinatology outcomes.
- Global Network for Women's and Children's Health Research - Presents the protocol details of an on-going comparison of Tibetan and Western methods of preventing postpartum hemorrhage., with information on project activities.
- New England Perinatal Society - Forum for presenting and discussing research in the field of perinatology perinatal biology and medicine. With abstracts from previous meetings.
- Perinatal Cardiology - Conducting studies into fetal and neonatal heart disease. medical specialties Department medical specialties of the Ud\'A University of Chieti in medical specialties Italy.
- National Perinatal Statistics Unit - Monitors and interprets Australian data in morbidity and mortality, as well as undertaking epidemiological research. Includes reports and details of associated institutions.
- Perinatal Trials Registry - Presents a directory of completed and on-going projects in Australia perinatology and New Zealand. Each report includes the protocol and a perinatology summary of progress or results.
- Liggins Institute - Research centre for perinatology from the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
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