Programs and Services Treatment Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Operates several US boarding schools, residential treatment centers, and wilderness programs for adolescents with behavioral problems, substance abuse, defiance toward authority, depression, or other troubled behavior.
Top: Health: Mental Health: Child and Adolescent: Treatment
Programs and Services
See Also:
- Top/Health/Mental Health/Counseling Services
- Top/Society/Issues/Business/Allegedly Unethical Firms/WWASP
- Top/Health/Child Health/Pediatric Rehabilitation
- Teen Challenge World Wide Network - Information about affiliated centers around the world providing Christian-based programs for adolescents with mental health or substance abuse issues.
- Family Focus - Assists families to define specific, realistic goals and programs and services treatment allow the family to drive the course of programs and services treatment treatment. Located in Virginia.
- McLean Hospital, Corp - Comprehensive mental health services, helping young people and treatment their families programs and services cope with psychiatric illness and the treatment challenges it brings. Offers programs and services a full spectrum of, treatment inpatient, partial hospitalization, short-and long-term residential, programs and services outpatient treatment
- Aspen Education Group - Operates several US boarding schools, residential treatment centers, programs and services programs and services and wilderness programs for adolescents with programs and services programs and services programs and services programs and services behavioral problems, substance programs and services programs and services abuse, defiance toward authority, depression, or other troubled programs and services programs and services behavior.
- Adolescent Health Centers, USA - Multi-disciplinary team provides evaluation and treatment programs, with programs and services details of staff and services, and information on programs and services a wilderness experience. Virginia, USA.
- The National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs - Organization of schools, residential treatment centers, wilderness programs, treatment and similar child and adolescent resources for young people with behavioral treatment difficulties. Ethical principles, member child and adolescent directory, journal, conferences, news, treatment and parent advice.
- Three Springs, Inc. - Operates outdoor and residential, therapeutic and educational programs child and adolescent in the southeastern United States. Includes details of child and adolescent programs, staff and philosophy, with an online placement child and adolescent questionnaire for parents.
- Chapman House - Teen Savers - California center offers residential and outpatient programs for treatment adolescents, ages 12-16, who have substance abuse, behavioral, treatment or psychological problems.
- Parents Universal Resource Experts (PURE) - Articles, advice and referral services for families of teenagers with treatment behavioral problems.
- New Directions Youth & Family Services - Offers 23 programs that address the challenges of juvenile delinquency, child and adolescent teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, neglect, trauma, mental illness and anti-social child and adolescent behavior.
- Cornerstone Programs - Offers six residential treatment programs for juvenile offenders, employment opportunities programs and services and resources.
- World Wide Association Of Specialty Programs (WWASP) - Operates residential programs in the US, Mexico, and the Caribbean programs and services for teens with substance abuse or behavioral problems.
- Rite of Passage - Offering a range of community-based and residential services programs and services for at-risk youth, as well as ongoing mentoring. programs and services Includes details of programs and facilities, admissions information, programs and services and employment opportunities. Based in Nevada, USA.
- His Mansion Ministries - Training services for Christians who wish to use Biblical counsel to help troubled young adults.
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