Asperger's Syndrome Autism Spectrum Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Top: Health: Mental Health: Disorders: Neurodevelopmental: Autism Spectrum
Asperger's Syndrome
See Also:
- Asperger Syndrome Support Forum - This moderated messageboard/chatroom support forum is open to parents of children with AS, adults with AS and professionals who work with them. This is a sign up page for delphi.
- ASPFI - Asperger Foundation International - Funds and disseminates evidence-based research that identifies causes, neurodevelopmental effective interventions neurodevelopmental and supports for individuals with Asperger neurodevelopmental Syndrome.
- Asperger's Syndrome Support Network - Volunteer-run organisation organizes social and educational activities for autism spectrum families, autism spectrum children, siblings, adults with Asperger\'s Syndrome, carers autism spectrum and professionals.
- Asperger's Syndrome Information Pages - From the Yale Developmental Disabilities Clinic.
- Asperger's Conversations - An audio and text weblog on Asperger\\'s Syndrome asperger\'s syndrome maintained by a college professor/psychologist who specializes in asperger's syndrome this area.
- GAIA - Gifted Adult's Inventory of Aspergerisms - Questionnaire to research and detect features of Asperger\\'s Syndrome and asperger's syndrome related disorders in gifted adults.
- FAAAS - Families of Adults Afflicted with Asperger's Syndrome - A support group that is aimed at the autism spectrum families neurodevelopmental of those afflicted with Asperger\\'s Syndrome. autism spectrum Especially those neurodevelopmental whose relative has not been correctly autism spectrum diagnosed until they neurodevelopmental are well into adulthood.
- The Asperger Marriage Web Site - A site for adults with Asperger Syndrome and their partners
- Tony Attwood - Resources, information on Dr. Attwood\\'s presentation schedule, messages autism spectrum and asperger's syndrome issues related to Asperger\\'s Syndrome, and papers autism spectrum he has asperger's syndrome written on related topics.
- Autism Spectrum Pages - Discusses relationships for people with Autism/Asperger's.
- Asperger's Syndrome - Brief introduction to this condition on the high asperger\'s syndrome functioning autism spectrum edge of the autistic spectrum and links asperger\'s syndrome to other autism spectrum resources. Javascript required to view.
- eMedicine Health: Asperger Syndrome - Provides an overview of Asperger Syndrome and its asperger\'s syndrome causes, neurodevelopmental symptoms, and treatment.
- NPR : Dr. Fred Volkmar on Asperger's Syndrome - Terry Gross interviews Fred Volkmar. In the early 1990s, asperger's syndrome Volkmar led the team that helped develop the definition of asperger's syndrome autism used by the American Psychiatric Assoc. [32:06 streaming audio asperger's syndrome broadcast]
- GRASP - The Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership - Advocacy organization serving individuals on the autism spectrum
- Asperger's Family Forum - Information and support regarding Asperger's Syndrome.
- - A resource site for Asperger\\'s Syndrome by AS autism spectrum author asperger's syndrome Liane Holliday Willey.
- - Offers advice centered on the idea that Asperger\\'s Syndrome is neurodevelopmental a special state of mind rather than a disease. Features neurodevelopmental information, discussion boards, mailing list, and contact details.
- OASIS: Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support - Includes research papers, support groups, clinicians, research projects, neurodevelopmental educational resources, message board/chatroom, and contributions from individuals neurodevelopmental and families.
- AS Partners - A support group for spouses or partners of autism spectrum people neurodevelopmental with Asperger Syndrome. Learn about the characteristics autism spectrum which affect neurodevelopmental personal relationships and family dynamics.
- Asperger's Disorder - How this disorder affects children, adolescents and adults neurodevelopmental and treatment options. Authored by Carol E. Watkins, neurodevelopmental M.D.
- ASPIRES - An on-line resource for spouses and family members of adults neurodevelopmental diagnosed or suspected to be on the autistic spectrum.
- Asperger's Forum - Discussion forum for and about those with Asperger\'s Syndrome.
- Directory for Asperger Syndrome - Resources for Asperger Syndrome, including support groups, articles, autism spectrum personal neurodevelopmental accounts, books and videos.
- NPR : Children's Book Writer and Illustrator Mark Haddon - Haddon has written his first novel for adults, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. The narrator of the story is an autistic teenager who is obsessed with Sherlock Holmes and who must prove his innocence when a neighborhood dog is killed. H
- NPR : Camp Teaches Autistic Children How to Fit In - A summer camp in Washington, D.C. is teaching neurodevelopmental some people autism spectrum with mild forms of autism the neurodevelopmental social skills that come autism spectrum naturally to most people. neurodevelopmental NPR\'s Joseph Shapiro reports. [5:29 Realaudio autism spectrum broadcast]
- NINDS Asperger Syndrome Information Page - Asperger Syndrome information sheet compiled by the National autism spectrum Institute asperger's syndrome of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
- Cincinnati Asperger Resource Information and Networking Group (CARING) - Support group provides details of play groups, schools, asperger\'s syndrome advocates, and publications.
- NPR : Autism Movement Seeks Acceptance, Not Cures - Story about autism self-advocacy groups that push neurodevelopmental for acceptance of the condition, not "cures". Much neurodevelopmental of the focus is on people with Asperger\'s. neurodevelopmental [12:26 streaming audio broadcast]
- Asperger Planet - Support and information for parents and educators.
- [Suite 101] Asperger's Syndrome - Articles and reviewed links.
- MAAP - A nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information and asperger\'s syndrome advice autism spectrum to families of More advanced individuals asperger\'s syndrome with Autism, autism spectrum Asperger\'s syndrome, and Pervasive developmental disorder asperger's syndrome (PDD).
- Is Aspergers Syndrome/High-Functioning Autism Necessarily a Disability? - Article by Simon Baron-Cohen considers whether autism spectrum Asperger autism spectrum Syndrome (AS) or high-functioning autism (HFA) autism spectrum necessarily lead autism spectrum to disability or whether AS/HFA autism spectrum autism spectrum simply autism spectrum lead to 'difference'.
- KJP's Asperger's Syndrome Site - A personal story of Kevin Phillips, who has asperger\'s syndrome this disorder.
- KeepKidsHealthy - An article about Asperger syndrome, including a reading neurodevelopmental list and web resources.
- NPR : Michael John Carley on Asperger's Syndrome - Carley is the executive director of GRASP, The Global and neurodevelopmental Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership. In 2000, he and his neurodevelopmental then 4-year-old son were diagnosed with Asperger\\'s Syndrome. GRASP works neurodevelopmental to educate the public about the disorder.
- Asperger's Page at Family Village - Links to resources.
XML Feeds:
- The Aspie Life - Musings and thoughts on living a successful life with Asperger Syndrome.[RSS]
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