Immunizations Disease Control and Prevention Public Health and Safety
Provides the public, health professionals, policy makers, and the media with up-to-date, scientifically valid information related to immunization to help them understand the issues and to make informed decisions.
Top: Health: Public Health and Safety: Disease Control and Prevention
See Also:
- Top/Business/Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals/Pharmaceuticals/Biopharmaceuticals/Vaccines
- Top/Society/Issues/Health/Vaccination
- Top/Science/Biology/Immunology
- Top/Recreation/Travel/Preparation/Health
Editor's Picks:
WHO - Immunization. Vaccines and Biologicals

- Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) - Aims to boost immunization rates and prevent disease, immunizations with special disease control and prevention regard to hepatitis B.
- Sealy Center for Vaccine Development (SCVD) - Fosters interdisciplinary collaborations in the areas of research, disease control and disease control and prevention prevention policy, and education to facilitate the translation of disease control disease control and prevention and prevention laboratory findings to prevention of infectious diseases.
- Vaccination Services of America - National provider of vaccination services including flu shots.
- Vaccination - This tries to help by giving simple facts public health and safety about the different diseases, their corresponding vaccines / public health and safety vaccinations and the risks attached to both, places public health and safety to find guidance and allow you to meet public health and safety others in the same situation.
- Vaccine Identification Standards Initiative (VISI) - Uniform guidelines and resources for vaccine packaging, labeling, public health and safety and recording to enhance the safety of public health and safety vaccination and the accuracy and convenience of transferring public health and safety vaccine identifying information into medical records and public health and safety immunization registries.
- Vaccine Page, The - Collects updated information about vaccines and immunology for all audiences.
- National Network for Immunization Information (NNii) - Provides the public, health professionals, policy makers, and disease control and immunizations prevention the media with up-to-date, scientifically valid information related disease control immunizations and prevention to immunization to help them understand the issues disease immunizations control and prevention and to make informed decisions.
- Vaccine Knowledge Quiz - Active Learning Centre - Tests vaccine knowledge, has database of information.
- International Vaccine Institute (IVI) - An international organization based in Seoul and devoted to bringing disease control and prevention vaccines against cholera, shigellosis, and typhoid fever to the poor disease control and prevention populations.
- US–Indo Vaccine Research Program - Details of a bilateral program involving the USA public health and public health and safety safety and India in laboratory-based research, epidemiological studies, field public health public health and safety and safety trials, quality control, and delivery of vaccines. A public public health and safety health and safety department of the National Institute of Allergy and public health and safety public health and safety Infectious Diseases.
- Protecting Health Through Immunization - Information provided by Sanofi Pasteur, about vaccine-preventable diseases, disease control and disease control and prevention prevention vaccine safety, recommended childhood, adolescent, and adult immunization disease control disease control and prevention and prevention schedules.
- Strategic Health Systems - Helps health care providers standardize the way immunizations immunizations are administered and recorded.
- Vaccine - A journal for academics and workers in the field of disease control and prevention vaccination. Relevant topics range from basic research through to applications, disease control and prevention safety and legislation.
- Vaccine Possibilities for Chagas' Disease - A report into research for a vaccine to disease control and immunizations prevention immunize against the one of the major causes disease control immunizations and prevention of infectious disease in poorer South American countries.
- Student - Provides information on student vaccines against meningitis.
- Sabin Vaccine Institute - A non-profit organization that promotes advances in vaccine public health and disease control and prevention safety development, delivery and distribution focusing on polio, rubella, public health disease control and prevention and safety rotavirus, and hookworm. Provides awards and organizes symposia
- Institute for Vaccine Safety (IVS) - Provides up-to-date information and links on specific vaccine public health and immunizations safety safety issues as they arise in the media.
- Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) - Part of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). disease control and public health and safety prevention PDF files of the current statements are handouts disease control public health and safety and prevention for practice displays and to give to patients.
- International Finance Facility for Immunisation - Accelerates the availability of funds for health and public health and public health and safety safety immunisation programmes through the GAVI Alliance in 70 public health public health and safety and safety of the poorest countries around the world.
- ImmunoFacts - Deals with US and Canadian vaccine recommendations, state and international disease control and prevention vaccine practice and safety issues, regulations and government databases.
- Smallpox Vaccine Research - An interview about smallpox and its vaccines with immunizations Paula Traktman, immunizations PhD, Walter Schroeder Professor and Chairman immunizations of the Department of immunizations Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
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