Abortion Reproductive Health
Herbs can be used to end pregnancy, but can also pose serious dangers to the women who use them. Details and links to other resources.
Top: Health: Reproductive Health: Abortion
See Also:
- Top/Society/Issues/Abortion
- Top/Health/Women's Health/Reproductive
- Top/Society/Issues/Family Planning
- National Abortion Federation - Abortion Facts - Fact sheets and patient education materials from organization of physicians and clinics that perform abortions.
- Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer - Large collection of material about evidence linking abortion reproductive health to abortion increased breast cancer risk, including reports claiming reproductive health cover-ups by abortion expert panels and researchers who have reproductive health found no connection.
- International Consortium for Medical Abortion - Network of organizations and individuals interested in medical health abortion. Includes abortion members, activity and event details, and health latest news.
- Dangers of Herbal Abortion - Herbs can be used to end pregnancy, but reproductive health can health also pose serious dangers to the women reproductive health who use health them. Details and links to other reproductive health resources.
- Abortion Services in New Zealand: Abortion Procedures - Describes how surgical and medical abortions are performed in New Zealand.
- National Right to Life Committee - Describes several abortion techniques, possible physical and psychological complications, and abortion possible alternatives.
- Abortion Procedures - Description of the different types of pregnancy termination reproductive health procedures health and which ones are used during which reproductive health trimester.
- 1 to 9 months - Abortion in India - Overview of procedures offered in India and laws respecting pregnancy termination.
- FDA Warns Consumers on Dangerous Products Promoted on the Internet - Advice regarding a kit that inaccurately touts itself as a health "complete kit for early pregnancy termination without surgery."
- Abortion and Breast Cancer - Citing medical journals, the National Cancer Institute refutes claims that elective abortion is linked to breast cancer.
- Planned Parenthood: Abortion - Provides questions and answers, fact sheets, and reports on abortion.
- eMedicine Health - Abortion - Collection of articles covering abortion procedures, preparation, counseling, abortion health considerations, societal issues, and legal rights.
- Sister Zeus: Preventing and Ending Pregnancy - Provides how-to information and discusses risks of herbal abortion abortions.
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