Helleborus Plants Gardening
Comprehensive site on the genus Helleborus with descriptions and photos of species, information on cultivation and hybridizing, and links to other related sites and resources.
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See Also:
- Ketzel Levine's Talking Plants: Helleborus - General information on a few commonly grown hellebores.
- The Hellebores Are Coming! The Hellebores Are Coming! - Article by Barry Glick on the culture, propagation, h and garden h uses of several hellebore species.
- Sunshine Farm and Gardens: Focus on Hellebores - Generous section of this nursery\\'s website devoted to information and helleborus photos of many hellebore cultivars and species.
- Gardenweb: Hellebore Forum - For discussion of gardening with hellebores.
- Hellebores, Hellebores, Hellebores - Short article by Tony Avent on gardening with h hellebores: culture, classification, and information for several species.
- Hellebores - Informational pages by Graham Rice, author of a helleborus book on helleborus hellebores. The most in-depth information helleborus is contained in two helleborus included magazine articles, linked helleborus from the "extras" page.
- Clifton Homestead Nursery - New Zealand nursery showcases a variety of helleborus varieties, including helleborus less commonly grown species hellebores.
- The Christmas Rose: Helleborus niger - Information on the care and cultivation of this h winter-flowering perennial.
- Yahoo Groups: Hellebore - Group for discussing the cultivation and enjoyment of plants hellebores. h Must sign up as member to plants read messages or participate.
- Dave's Garden: Helleborus argutifolius - Plant portrait with photos, cultural information, and gardeners\\' h comments for plants Corsican hellebore.
- Floridata: Helleborus orientalis - Description, cultural information, photos, and garden uses of H. orientalis (lenten rose).
- Bearpaw Hellebore: Helleborus foetidus - Article with photo describing this winter-flowering species, with notes on plants its botanical characteristics and its use in the garden.
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