Pinewood Derby Resources Scouting Personal Development

Information, advice, and resources for pinewood derby participants, parents, and planners. Includes photos of unusual cars, track plans, and sorted/reviewed links.

    Top: Kids and Teens: People and Society: Organizations: Personal Development: Scouting: Resources

Pinewood Derby

  • Pinewood Derby Car Building Tips - Includes tool tips, correcting modeling mistakes, speed tips, pinewood derby and pinewood derby reviewed links.
  • Pack 146 Pinewood Derby - Comprehensive site containing tips, time trials, and a pinewood derby selection scouting of humor.
  • Pinewood Derby Stand - Plans for building an inexpensive car stand.
  • Pope's Pinewood Pages Portal - A nice collection of car building tips and pinewood derby race resources management guidelines. Also includes an online pinewood derby car building resources manual.
  • Shape N Race Derby - Information, advice, and resources for pinewood derby participants, parents, and resources planners. Includes photos of unusual cars, track plans, and sorted/reviewed resources links.

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