Astronomy and Space Science School Time

A glimpse into the mysteries of our universe: what we know about it, how its evolving, and the types of objects in it.

    Top: Kids and Teens: School Time: Science

Astronomy and Space

  • CosmicKids - Learn all about the Hubble Space Telescope.
  • Life In Space - Investigates the possibility of living in space. Provides school time a look at the challenges planets provide school time for human life, including links.
  • Kids Earth and Sky - Includes articles, activities, and links for kids. From school time the producers of the science radio program Earth school time and Sky.
  • Planet Quest - Includes online quizzes, planet comparisons, pictures and links to astronomy clubs around the world.
  • Astro-Venture - Students in grades 5-8 role-play NASA occupations, as astronomy and space school time they search for and build a planet with astronomy and space school time the necessary characteristics for human habitation.
  • Space Educators Handbook - A great NASA list of space-related sites where science you\\'ll have fun. Read Space Comics or find science the Hidden Cool Stuff.
  • Henrietta Leavitt Flat Screen Space Theater - The site is authored by Carolyn Collins Petersen, school time an accomplished astronomy writer and part-time Hubble researcher. school time Carolyn takes viewers to "The Planetarium Show That school time Never Ends," where various heavenly bodies are displayed school time and described in non
  • Myths about the Sky, Constellations, and Stars - Find out about the gods and goddesses of different cultures around the world that focus on the myths that explain astronomy. Three levels of exploration: beginner, intermediate and advanced.
  • Common Teasers in Astronomy - Contains a few brain teasers such as what science keeps a astronomy and space satellite in orbit to why meteors science burn up in the astronomy and space atmosphere and space shuttles science and rockets don't.
  • - Features space and science news stories, interactive games, questions and answers, contests, kids\' submissions, and weekly polls.
  • The Mysteries of Space and Time - About the secrets of distant suns, black holes, science and stellar anomalies in space and time.
  • NASA Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics - Astronomy, chemistry, and physics of the solar system school time and beyond.
  • Knowing the Universe and Its Secrets - Learn about the life and energy processes of stars and science galaxies. Page has explanations of ancient and modern theories, science as well as charts and astronomical photos.
  • Are We Alone in the Universe - Discover some of the most intriguing UFO mysteries science of this school time century, and possibly walk the path science to becoming an astronaut school time to discover the vast science corners of our universe.
  • Space Travel Guide - Explains the various concepts of space travel. Starting from the basic physical laws in an interactive manner.
  • NASA's Origins Program - Seeks to answer fundamental questions about the universe. science What school time is the origin of Earth? science Take a look at school time some articles about the science story of the universe and the school time quest to science understand life.
  • An Astronomy Course for Students Using the Internet - A course on astronomy designed for middle to high school science students, but adaptable to most ages and interest levels.
  • A Journey Through Space - Tells what different types of astronauts do, explores school time how space ships function, and traces the history school time of space travel.
  • ESA Kids - Information on the planet Earth, the universe, and astronomy and space science space travel. Games, quizzes, and photos.
  • The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere - Looks at the hot gases which fill most of space which are ruled by magnetic and electric forces rather than by gravity. The polar aurora, the radiation belts, the solar wind, magnetic storms, "space weather", cosmic radiation--this is the site
  • Cool Cosmos - Offers lessons and activities using infrared light. astronomy and space Also, includes has online tutorials, games and graphic galleries related astronomy and space to this topic.
  • Stardate Online: Guide to the Universe - Information and pictures about astronomy and space exploration. Includes stargazing tips, FAQ\'s, sky almanac, solar system guide, news and articles.
  • Lightyears and Distances in Space - Find out what a lightyear is and take school time a science cosmic voyage to the nearest galaxy.
  • Space: An Exploration - Discusses facts, mysteries, theories, and activities to learn more about school time the solar system.
  • A Practical Guide to Astronomy - This electronic encyclopedia is a great resource for astronomy and space the both the beginner and the experienced backyard astronomy and space astronomer. Full of facts and photos.
  • Astronomy and Space for Kids - Stars, planets, black holes, Junior Astronomers Club.
  • Students for the Exploration and Development of Space - An international organization provides learning activities, information and astronomy and space school time news concerning space and its exploration. Includes photographs astronomy and space school time taken from spacecraft and the Hubble telescope.
  • Astronomy for Kids - Basic introduction to astronomy for kids K-6 grade.
  • The International Astronomical Union (IAU) - Founded in 1919 to promote and safeguard the astronomy and space school time science of astronomy. The organization is also the astronomy and space school time internationally recognized authority for classifying celestial bodies and astronomy and space school time their surface features.
  • Astronomy Jokes and Space Explorers - A collection of K-12 space and astronomy jokes science with astronomy science factoids, quizzes, quotes, links and pictures science interspersed throughout the site science describing history of astronomy science and space exploration.
  • SpaceKids - Images of the heavens, send your name to school time Mars science on the Exploration Rover-2003 mission , participate school time in the science study of space science, tour the school time solar system, and science get space science news.
  • Guide to Arctic Sunrise and Sunset - Tables of daily sunrise and sunset times in the Arctic. science Learn about the Land of the Midnight Sun, Solstices, science and Equinoxes.
  • Windows to the Universe - An extensive and graphics intensive astronomical learning system. school time Learn all about the Earth and Space Sciences.
  • Imagine The Universe! - A glimpse into the mysteries of our universe: astronomy and space school time what we know about it, how its evolving, astronomy and space school time and the types of objects in it.
  • NASA Kids - Find activities and information about rockets, astronauts, space exploration, space shuttles, solar system, and galaxies.
  • TOPEX/Poseidon Kids Page - Offers an online coloring book, ask a scientist, astronomy and space school time FAQs, background on El NiƱo, and other links.
  • A Journey into the Unknown - A collection of web pages which detail the school time realm astronomy and space outside of our world: outer space. These school time pages are astronomy and space designed primarily for teaching or as school time reference resources, but astronomy and space also contain some areas for school time entertainment.
  • The Space Place - Demonstrates and explains scientific concepts related to astronomy in a science fun, hands-on manner.
  • The World Of Astronomy - Contains information on the universe, stars, galaxies, and supernovas.
  • Sky and Telescope - Observing - Featured articles about the moon, sun, and planets, science along with meteors, asteroids, and comets.
  • Earth Today - Cool images of earth taken from space: our little blue science planet as astronautsand satellites see it, detailed pictures of natural science wonders, weather phenomena, and even images showing ocean currents, night science lights, and water vapor.
  • The Midnight Sun - Photos from interior Alaska of the Midnight Sun and tundra flowers, with links to more scientific information on the summer solstice.
  • From Stargazers to Starships - The motion of Earth in space, Newtonian mechanics, astronomy and space spaceflight and spacecraft, and a math refresher, on astronomy and space a high school level. This site deals with astronomy and space the world of gravity--of massive planets and stars, astronomy and space and the way spaceflight is achieved despite astronomy and space their strong
  • Federation of Galaxy Explorers - Educates and inspires kids to pursue advanced studies in science and engineering. Mission is to prepare the next generation to explore and develop space.
  • Astronomia Nova - The primary objective for the website is to ensure a science foundation so the user can do astronomical / physical measurements science and thereby take a step further than just actual knowledge. science Main target group is highschool students.
  • Gene Smith's Brief History of Astronomy - Covers the development of this ancient science from days of Stonehenge (3100 BC) to the discovery of Pulsars (1968 AD).
  • Space and Astronomy for Kids - Information for kids, parents, and teachers ranging from school time the latest NASA missions and discoveries to backyard school time astronomy. Bi-weekly feature columns, links, moderated chat room, school time and bulletin board.
  • Wonders of Space - A Canadian teacher presents a way of exploring space using the internet. Includes games, stargazers, quizzes, astronaut trainings, and classroom connections.
  • Constellation Stories and A Deepsky Atlas - Provides a listing of the constellations, maps, and the myths astronomy and space associated with them.
  • Virtual Astronaut - Interactive instructional materials for grades 5-8 to provide astronomy and space school time students and educators with a tool that integrates astronomy and space school time leading-edge technology with recent findings in physical sciences, astronomy and space school time space sciences, space medicine, biomedical research and living astronomy and space school time in space.
  • Where's Hubble now? - Track Hubble as it zips around its orbit.
  • Astronomy in Questions and Answers - A comprehensive collection of simple facts about the planets, the astronomy and space solar system, meteors, stars, galaxies, and astronomers.
  • Earth and Sky - International science radio program. Includes a nightly star chart, sky watching tips, podcast, and audio and written articles about a variety of scientific topics.
  • Lunar Outpost - Space-related education, games, merchandise, NASA content and photos geared toward astronomy and space kids, parents, educators and space enthusiasts worldwide.
  • The Adventures of Amelia the Pigeon - The animated adventure teaches children how NASA scientists use satellite science imagery to better understand Earth\'s environmental changes.
  • Mysteries of Deep Space - Explores the secrets of the universe with an interactive timeline, school time classroom activities, and a trivia challenge. Ask the experts school time various questions as well.
  • StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers - Information and online movies related to the solar school time system science and space exploration. A service of the school time High Energy science Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center at school time NASA.
  • Life Beyond Earth - Think humans are alone? Follow space expert science Timothy Ferris in the scientific search for extraterrestrial science life. Also, write to an alien.
  • Nasa Science for Kids - NASA brings you an exciting way to look school time at our Sun and Earth, our solar system school time and the universe beyond.
  • NOVA Online | Runaway Universe - Tour the universe and find out a bit about the school time history of the universe.
  • NASA Science Education - Resource for kids and space enthusiasts who are astronomy and space school time interested in meeting and learning about NASA people astronomy and space school time and the national space program.
  • Online Planetarium Show - Teaches fun and interesting lessons in astronomy and astronomy and space science related subjects. Includes games, photo gallery, and lots astronomy and space science of information on the Hubble Space Telescope.
  • DLTK's Space Crafts for Kids - Space crafts suitable for preschool, kindergarten and grade astronomy and space school time school kids.
  • Johnson Space Center Just for Kids - Includes information ranging from the training of astronauts astronomy and space astronomy and space to space station construction to the search for astronomy and space astronomy and space life on mars. Also offers an album of astronomy and space astronomy and space NASA photos and links to other sites about astronomy and space astronomy and space the earth and heavens.
  • Space Place Launch Pad - Join this site in making some \\'spacey\\' things. Also, school time view space science in action and discover some facts from school time gravity to telescope magnification.
  • European Space Agency (ESA) - Resource for European space science. Updated information on astronomy and space launches, spacecraft in orbit, and events.
  • Telescopes In Education (TIE) - Provides images taken by the telescope, an Observatory Cam, along school time with a calendar of current events, and weather information.
  • From Mercury to Pluto - Information on planets, the universe at large, and school time exploration. Offers quizzes and interactive image galleries.
  • Space Detectives - Explore the mysteries and puzzles of the Solar astronomy and space school time System. Includes a quiz and interactive game to astronomy and space school time design a lander.
  • NASA's Space Science Activities for Students - Space science activities for elementary and secondary students in astronomy, physics, life sciences, and space technology.
  • Astronomical Information Center - Get some answers to the most asked questions astronomy and space about the phenomena of the sun and moon, astronomy and space time, as well as calendars and historical events astronomy and space information.
  • The Satellite Site - Tech Museum provides information on what satellites are, their uses, school time different types of orbits, the parts that make up a school time satellite and an interactive satellite construction tool (requries Java).
  • Heavenly Details - The Old Farmer\\'s Almanac offers the dates and locations of school time solar and lunar eclipses for the year, as well school time as the full Moon names and dates for nine school time years. Check it out here, then go outside and look school time up.
  • 2001: Destination Space - The Tech Museum of Innovation provides a comparison astronomy and space astronomy and space of the science and technology of the movie astronomy and space astronomy and space 2001: A Space Odyssey made in 1968 with astronomy and space astronomy and space the real world technology of 2001. Includes artwork astronomy and space astronomy and space and sound clips. [Requires RealPlayer and Flash plugins]
  • The Astrogirl Homepage - Devoted to amateur astronomy. Find information on planets, science current sky events, astrophotography, and beginner's tips.
  • An Inquirer's Guide To The Universe - Helps young people investigate planets and the universe.

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