Environment Science School Time
Every 8 weeks, Maggie is sent on a "Mission Impossible" style adventure that teaches kids about the environment. Each mission features an 8-minute cartoon with music, games, gadgets, and factual content. Requires Flash plug-in.
Top: Kids and Teens: School Time: Science
See Also:
- Top/Kids and Teens/School Time/Science/Physics/Energy
- Top/Kids and Teens/School Time/Science/Farming
- Top/Kids and Teens/School Time/Science/The Earth
Editor's Picks:
Backyard Jungle

- Environmental Literacy Council - Looks at a variety of issues related to environment the environment, including topics such as air, food, environment energy, water, population, and waste.
- RSPB: Green Living - The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds science tells about recycling, saving water, using less energy science and protecting wetland habitats.
- Restoring Earth - A student\\'s personal site designed to teach its environment visitors about the science behind the earth. Includes environment environmental science, biology, Christianity, interactive quiz, and author environment bio.
- Earthforce - National non-profit youth organization empowers kids to help solve local environmental problems.
- Elements - Multilingual environmental magazine with activities and interactive games.
- NatureWatch - Features observing, studying, or photographing the vast varieties of fish, wildflowers, wildlife, and scenery. Has viewisections on wildlife, celebrating wildflowers, and fishwatch and festivals with walks.
- Earth Today and Tomorrow - A section of the Natural History Museum that provides a look at the planet on which we live and how we interact with it.
- Educational in Nature - Learn how to identify tracks from different mammals, create your science own slime, or make recycled paper with these activities and science experiments designed to teach kids about the environment.
- Natural Resources Kids' Page - For kids interested in the environment, and in having fun. science Includes games and features about salmon and wildlife, hazardous science substances, recycling, and choosing recycled products.
- Eddy the Eco-Dog - Features interactive entertainment and education with games, puzzles, jokes, and cartoons designed to help kids discover cool things about nature, science and ecology.
- Environmental Science - Offers environmental news, issues, quizzes, facts, and links environment in a kid-friendly setting. Also provides information for environment parents and teachers.
- BBC Really Wild Zone - A site for those interested in animals and environment the natural world around them; has wild life environment facts, games and competitions. Produced by the environment BBC Natural History Unit.
- Environmental Awareness: Knowing Your World - Learn about global warming, acid precipitation, earth\\'s energy science systems, natural school time resources, and water conservation.
- Charlie's Corner - Provides young children information on the environment while playing games science and having fun. Maintained by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
- Mr. M's Reef Web Quests - Four different environmental online web-quests for students to school time be environment involved in. Students get to complete school time online challenges, environment learning about caring for the environment.
- Saving Our Environment - Provides young people with a forum for exchanging idea on school time protecting the environment.
- Department of Environmental Protection Kids Page - Find out about Florida state parks, air and water resources, environment and waste management. Take a quiz or read fast facts.
- Encyclopedia of the Atmospheric Environment - Discusses air quality, acid rain, global warming and ozone depletion. school time From Manchester Metropolitan University. In English and French.
- Ode to Dead Wood - Explains how fallen trees and snags are important environment to ecosystems. science Learn what animals depend on this environment type of habitat.
- Pachamama - Young people around the world have contributed personal school time accounts, environment poems, illustrations, and games to show the school time state of environment the environment and what can be school time done about it.
- Create Microhabitats - Learn to make brush piles for song birds school time and school time small mammals, build rock piles for reptiles school time and amphibians, school time or make a log pile that school time many small creatures school time can use.
- NIEHS Kids Pages - Features environmental games, science, puzzles, and research information.
- Change the World - Provides simple suggestions for kids and teens to help prevent environmental problems like pollution, urban sprawl, and mistreatment of wildlife.
- Global Response Kids - Tells kids what they can to do protect the environment.
- Tunza - United Nations program for children from all over environment the world who want to help the environment. environment Includes facts, games, competitions, and resources for making environment a difference.
- Paper University - Information and activities for students and teachers on science papermaking, recycling, environment forestry, trees, paper crafts, careers, and science the environment.
- Captain Ozone - Features a documentary about a costumed superhero who science has taken environment up various environmental causes on television science and the Internet.
- ECO-PROS - Ecology Protectors Society - Identifies threats to the environment and tells what school time people science can do to make a difference. Includes school time related links.
- Nature Challenge for Kids - Ten ways that kids can protect nature. school time Also features challenge activities kids can do school time at home, as well as subject links.
- EPA Student Center - Provides environmental basics, club projects, careers, internships, youth environment awards, fun activities and information on ecosystems, air, environment water conservation, waste and recycling, human health and environment neighborhood projects. Also has teachers' site.
- Tiki the Penguin - Explores topics such as pollution, climate change and food. Also has quizzes, jokes and puzzles.
- Ecokids Online - Provides environmentally educative games, stories, a picture gallery, environment calendar of school time events, contests, and facts about Earth\\'s environment environment. Membership is free school time to schools and youth environment groups in Canada.
- Kids R Green - From the Centre for Environmental Education (CEE), kRg environment offers educational school time activities and games about many aspects environment of the environment. school time Also offers crafts and environment a theme of the month.
- Miss Maggie's Earth Adventures - Every 8 weeks, Maggie is sent on a school time "Mission Impossible" style adventure that teaches kids about school time the environment. Each mission features an 8-minute cartoon school time with music, games, gadgets, and factual content. Requires school time Flash plug-in.
- Teens For Planet Earth - Learn about the planet and what you can science do to science help protect it. Read about people science who work in conservation. science Includes a special section science for girls.
- Oil and You - FAQ about the world's oil supply.
- Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) - Learn how students help by collecting local environmental school time data school time and sharing their observations between schools and school time with scientists school time via the Internet.
- Planetpals Earthzone - A children\\'s interactive web site about the environment, environment with card environment games, a free recycle kit to environment print, coloring book, and environment lots of interesting facts.
- The Environment - Looks at the need to protect the environment science as well as the challenges involved. Focuses on science the importance of preserving history, conserving natural resources science for future use, and developing earth-friendly habits.
- Young People's Trust for the Environment - Information written for young people and teachers on environmental issues.
- Explorers Club - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency\\'s site for kids. Lots of fun science and interesting things to read and do to learn about science the environment.
- Project Wild - Information about and sample materials from an interactive, environment interdisciplinary wildlife conservation and environment.
- Dimdima Kids - Indian online children\\'s magazine for ecology. Read nature notes, tales, about culture, plants, animals, environmentalists, endangered and extinct species.
- CyberRangers - Interactive nature conservation club where kids can form science a cyber school time ranger squad and learns about the science world of nature. Requires school time Flash plug-in.
- Project Learning Tree - Helps you learn how to think, not what to think, science about the environment.
- EHC Kid's Corner - Games, puzzles, and hands-on activities that help protect the environment. From the National Safety Council.
- Coastal Explorer - Clear explanations of erosion, deposition, and other coastal school time features. With photos and glossary. Includes section for school time teachers.
- The Academy of Natural Sciences: Know Your Environment - Learn how to help save the environment, about different hazards, and the value of ecosystems.
- 10 Things You Can Do To Save The Planet - A list of simple things anyone can do school time in school time and around the home, that will help school time the environment. school time Includes animation of a family called school time The Sustainables.
- Yucca Mountain Youth Zone - A tour of the Yucca Mountain project for managing and handling nuclear waste material. Discussions on the problems and how to solve them as well as learning programs and games.
- BLM Learning Landscapes - Learn about public lands, plants and animals, and science how to science volunteer in your state. Activity booklets science with tips to help science protect the land. From science the Bureau of Land Management. [Booklets science require free science Adobe download.]
- Tammy the Turkey's Shoppers' Checklist - Examines how people\\'s shopping habits can affect the planet. Includes environment interactive quiz.
- National Wildlife Federation For Kids - Play games, go on a virtual tour and meet Ranger school time Rick in this fun website.
- Envirofun - Captain Earthworm, Captain Redbird, and Captain Bluegill present information about recycling, pollution, and tips for keeping the environment healthy. Includes activities.
- Fort Worth Environmental Management: The Kids Page - Fun activities, information and links.
- Children of the Earth United - A non-profit organization which helps young people learn about animals, school time plants, ecology, and nature centers. Site also provides a school time forum for people to share their creative ideas and knowledge school time of the environment.
- Ecosystems - Interactive examination of ecological concepts including natural selection, school time population science balance, exchange cycles, and environmental protection. Includes school time quizzes, activities science and project ideas.
- Smart Spark's Multi-Challenges - A set of challenges for children on the topic of environment energy efficiency. Questions, puzzles and lots of fun.
- Backyard Nature - Nature study basics, with an emphasis on backyard science plants and animals. Includes a section on science naming and classification, list making, and "why bother science with nature?"
- Exploring the Environment - More than a dozen interactive studies related to school time the environment. For middle and high school students. school time Includes teacher guides for classroom use.
- Environmental False Alarms - Op-Ed article discusses claims about Montana\\'s declining environmental environment health. Includes environment reported problems, facts about the state, environment statistics for parts of environment the world, and government environment regulation versus private enterprise.
- E-OK Kids - New site promoting environmentally friendly activities. Includes environment links.
- Earth and Animal Facts - An educational web site about earth ecology, plant and animal science life, and wildlife.
- Earth and Space Week - Flag design competition by children aged 5 to 19, from Norway, Switzerland and countries in the European Union. Includes illustrations of winning projects.
- Elsa The Envirophant - Learn about the environment from Elsa. Includes science coloring pages,newsletter, environment fan club, and banner exchange.
- Kids for Saving Earth - Preschoolers through teenagers will find great ways they science can help take care of the earth.
- EEK - Environmental Education for Kids - Interactive online magazine by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Designed for children in grades 4-8.
- Ollie's World - Looks at sustainability with a focus on the science three R\\'s: science reducing, reusing, and recycling. Includes science a club, games, and science news.
- The Ranger Zone - Offers information to help young people learn how school time to school time become part of the junior ranger program. school time Includes school time links to participating park webpages, photo school time galleries, as well school time as creative works by young school time people.
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