Pollution Environment Science School Time
Toxic Release Inventory data for the US. Sources and amounts of toxic chemicals released to air and water. Also has information on health effects and other topics.
Top: Kids and Teens: School Time: Science: Environment
- Fun Activities: U.S. EPA Student Center - How much do you know about the environment science and pollution? Test your knowledge and have some science fun with these games just for kids.
- Groundwater Pollution - Water found in pores and crevices in soil science or rock pollution creates wetlands, and is an important science source of drinking water pollution and irrigation. Illustrated fact science sheet explains how fertilisers and other pollution chemicals can science affect it.[PDF]
- Smog City - Interactive simulator showing how a person\\'s choices affect science air quality. pollution Includes information about the ozone, science the composition of smog, pollution and air quality index.
- Oil and Water Don't Mix! - Animated storyboard for kids shows how an oil spill affects the sea and its creatures.
- Planet Polluto - Learn about air quality index, what you can do to protect the air quality, and play games.
- Switch Off: A Pollution Solution - A guide to identifying and eliminating wasteful energy environment practices that release greenhouses gases into the air.
- Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Kids' Cave - Quizzes, factsheets, kids\' success stories, pollution solutions, and pollution links.
- Environmental Education Foundation - An education resource teaching awareness and conservation to children, teachers, science and parents.
- Urban Tripper - Shows teens some pollution-free alternatives to car transport through animations, environment free downloads, and music. Requires Flash.
- EDF Chemical Scorecard - Toxic Release Inventory data for the US. Sources pollution and amounts pollution of toxic chemicals released to air pollution and water. Also has pollution information on health effects pollution and other topics.
- Nonpoint Source Pollution - EPA site about diffuse sources of pollution.
- Nonpoint Source Kids Page - Fun games that help you to understand different pollution kinds of pollution pollution that can occur around the pollution home and neighborhood.
- Pollution Prevention (P2) That Kids Can Do - Coloring book (in PDF) and links to resources pollution for kids and teachers. Produced by Ohio pollution Environmental Protection Agency.
- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Kids' Page - Facts, puzzles and other fun activities for kids.
- Air Quality Index - Comparison of clean and dirty air, air quality environment index, health, science choices, and games.
- Warning! Water Pollution! - Four Hong Kong kids in a school called science HKIS tell about the problem of water pollution science in Hong Kong and worldwide. Includes photos.
- River and Estuary Pollution - Fact sheet explaining how it can harm plants science and animals, science restrict recreation, and affect fishing industries.[PDF]
- Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution - Introduction to air pollution, health effects, prevention, types, and classroom pollution activities.
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