Regulation and Policy Media News
Access Reports covers Freedom of Information Act and privacy issues. Website contains news summaries of material in paid publication, plus links and statutes.
Top: News: Media
Regulation and Policy
See Also:
- FindLaw: Legal Subjects: Communications Law - Links to resources related to telecommunications law and regulation and policy policy.
- National Telecommunications and Information Administration - NTIA is the President\\'s principal adviser on telecommunications and information policy.
- Information Infrastructure Task Force - Information and resources from task force organized by the White news House to articulate and implement the Administration\'s vision for the news National Information Infrastructure (NII).
- Access Reports - Access Reports covers Freedom of Information Act and privacy issues. news Website contains news summaries of material in paid publication, plus news links and statutes.
- Communications Media Center at New York Law School - Resources on U.S. communications, information and media law. Files include regulation and policy Statutes, Cases, Papers, Conferences and Courses. Also News Bulletins on regulation and policy current events and articles from Media Law and Policy.
- Benton Foundation: Press Room - Headlines and brief reports about legal, legislative and regulation and policy policy developments in broadcasting and telecommunications.
- U.S. Copyright Office Home Page - U.S. Copyright Office is an office of public record for news copyright registration and deposit of copyright material.
- Federal Communications Commission - The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate and regulation and policy regulation and policy international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and regulation and policy regulation and policy cable. FCC website resources include Public Notices, News regulation and policy regulation and policy Releases, Orders, Notices of Proposed Rulemaking, FactShe
- Federal Communications Law Journal - Legal information, analysis and resources from the Indiana media University School of Law and the Federal Communications media Bar Association.
- European Platform of Regulatory Authorities - Providing a forum for discussion of issues spanning news the European news broadcasting regulatory authorities. Organization information, documents, news and news. [French and news English]
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