Business Services for Media
The Benchmarking Network has completed newspaper benchmarking studies, available for purchase, on information systems effectiveness and a variety of accounting and finance topics.
Top: News: Media: Services
Business Services for Media
See Also:
- PressCard - Details Betacam and production services offered by photographer services Michael Crawford, a satellite truck operator. Television and services corporate live events coverage for Central Texas, and services the Southwestern US.
- Lulop - Web-based trading platform for videonews allowing independent reporter to publish business services for media footage and distribute it in broadcast format to televisions.
- Media Arc - Broadcast professionals launching independent Internet radio station in India. Other services services range from production/news gathering for radio and TV, to services setting up community and Internet radio.
- AMRA - Sales and marketing information for an advertising agency services representing regional press titles throughout England, Scotland, Wales services and Northern Ireland. A Trinity Mirror Regionals company.
- Karen Gleason & Associates Inc. - A publishers rep firm engaged in the sale media of print and electronic advertising for the financial media and technology audiences.
- United Business Media - Explains the portfolio of a business information company. business services for media Includes PR Newswire\\'s news distribution network and CMP\\'s business services for media span of events, print and on-line publications.
- News In 3D - Online store offering virtual news sets, and looped services animated footage.
- Kalil & Co., Inc - Brokerage firm assisting clients to buy and to services sell media companies. Portfolio details past transactions. Also services consults and arranges financing of radio and television services station appraisals.
- Go Travel News - Press releases about travel are posted, and travel services editorial specialists media around the world are notified by services e-mail.
- Feature Link - Newspaper Society - Service provided by the Newspaper Society for clients to obtain national coverage across the regional press through branded advertising features.
- Capitol News Service - A television news service based in Tallahassee providing services daily on state-wide news for NBC stations across services the state of Florida.
- TBN Newspaper Management Benchmarking Studies - The Benchmarking Network has completed newspaper benchmarking studies, available for purchase, on information systems effectiveness and a variety of accounting and finance topics.
- Publicitas Promotion Network - Promotes newspapers and magazines internationally using marketing, press advertising sales media and offers combined with the Internet.
- Robb Montgomery - Showcasing the work of newspaper consultant and the media founder of services Visual Offers services in newspaper media re-design, web development, strategic services planning, and training.
- Hugo E. Martin - A strategic consulting company for print and online media serving media Europe and Asia. Repositions publishing ventures, develops magazines, and assists media in marketing,
- American Media Services - A radio station broker specializing in evaluations, FM/AM upgrades, radio station consulting and appraisals.
- Podcastmatters - Client list, plus advice on developing a strategy, media creation, final business services for media distribution, and social networking.
- Lyon Enterprises - Premiums, promotions, and circulation supplies for the newspaper industry.
- Advance Internet - A creator of interactive, online community-based news and business services for services media information Web sites. Created in alliance with newspapers business services services for media owned and operated by Advance Publications Inc.
- - Specializing in virtual set design, library licensing, and services complete systems business services for media installation and integration. Portfolio shows samples services involving an international list business services for media of clients spanning news services broadcasting to corporate video.
- Pressmart - Offers digital publishing solutions for print publications including services newspapers, magazines, catalogs and journals. Services include digital services delivery, hosting, payment subscription and advertising.
- Design With Reason - Personal site of Ron Reason, Chicago-based newspaper designer, services educator, and business services for media consultant in newspaper design. Site provides services case studies in redesign, business services for media workshop topics, tips, articles, services and resources.
- BBA - Story highlights, history and gear list for broadcasters services based in Turkey. Can provide news feeds via services access to Eutelsat, Intelsat and Turksat through its services 2.4-meter fixed teleport at its Istanbul headquarters.
- 24-7 Press Release - Free press release distribution service that helps feed, opt-in journalists, online media, freelance writers, and newspapers.
- Maple Media Communications - Offers content for new and old media. Also media provides services business services for media in media relations and communications for media private and public sector business services for media clients.
- Greek Window - Athens Journalistic Services - Contact details for an independent press agency covering services events in business services for media Greece. Offers tailor-made journalistic coverage.
- Peak Uplink - Satellite transmission company with trucks offering C-Band, Ku-Band business services for media and HD services. Photo gallery and specifications for business services for media each truck in fleet.
- News Team International - UK media company providing writing, reporting, photography, and media syndication services services for media, corporate, and other clients.
- Accounting Update - Content service that monitors U.S business publications and synthesizes key business services for media news, rules and trends.
- CMS Station Brokerage - Details for Pittsburgh firm offers media broker services. business services for services media Helps radio station owners sell assets to qualified business services services for media buyers.
- Human Development TV Agency - Offers magazine format broadcast footage and scripts that reports about services places where hardship is the norm and where economic crisis services is a daily reality.
- SE1 Media - Details about production company that specialises in audio and video podcasting. Portfolio includes iPod Traveller, a popular non-commercial travel podcast.
- Astrowire - Astronomy and space news syndication service that allows free use business services for media of its headlines on other web sites.
- South West News Service - This independent press agency supplies news, features and services pictures to regional, national and international media.
- Denardo Newspaper Consultants - Mike DeNardo and his associates offer their services offers to services improve the efficiency and workflow throughout news, press and distribution services departments. View case studies and client list.
- Dan Cooper Media Strategies - Consulting services to broadcast journalism organizations. Offers personal services coaching, and guidance for anchor teams, with a services focus on positioning and differentiation.
- Script Typing Service - A confidential typing service for production companies.
- NFM Communications - Creates and supplies customer-specific content for the motorsports industry.
- - Details about automation technology that helps newspapers produce services on-line editions. media Find testimonials, list of titles produced services with this product, demo media site, and training manuals.
- The Spin Project - Spin provides tools and techniques to help grassroots organization improve business services for media and increase their media presence.
- Landwriter - Based in East Sussex, this small team of business services for media journalists provides web-ready news about rural based industries.
- MEDIAdvise - Company delivering "on-site" training for television photographers and business services for media editors.
- ClariNet - ClariNet provides real-time newsfeeds, as full text and business services for media media photos, for web sites and internal corporate use. business services media for media See product demonstrations and subscribe online.
- TVA Productions - Service list and case studies for this media business services for media media production and news placement syndicate in North America business services media for media offering guaranteed distribution and tracking resources for TV, business media services for media radio, print media outlets.
- TV News London - Media training by senior print, radio and TV services journalists. Also media offers corporate video production.
- SunType - Classified system, ad accounting, typesetting and billing system.
- All Headline News - Continuously updated headlines and news from international sources. services Provides newsfeeds services in XML, RSS and other formats services for private and commercial services use. Also offers weather, services horoscopes, and other entertainment oriented content.
- Remote Facilities - Supplying the news, sports, events and entertainment industries business services for media media with equipment and personnel for remote broadcasts.
- Link Productions - Media production company based in Ramallah, Palestine provides business services for business services for media media staff for television and film production including directors, business services business services for media for media producers, cameramen, screenwriters, technicians and multimedia designers. Includes business business services for media services for media client list, documentaries produced and satell
- PA Sport - Provides sport news, results and data services. Coverage media of more 40 major sports in 200 countries. media Offering a multi-format, multi-language content solution.
- Geodesic Solutions - Lists company\\'s auction and classified advertising software. Access a forum, media manuals, and database of information for product users.
- - Searchable no cost index of freelance journalists, their media articles, and a wide range of international publishers.
- iPressroom - Providing software for Internet pressroom management. Enables corporate and agency customers to distribute news and information via RSS and the web. Read product information and user weblog.
- City News Service - Regional wire service providing around-the-clock coverage of news in US counties of Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego.
- CPSG Software - Offers newspaper companies online solutions for classifieds and business services for media display advertising publishing, remote advertising and editorial content business services for media management, and legacy systems integration.
- Pressflex Magazine Services - Consultant assisting magazines in drawing traffic to web sites.
- Television News Center - Encompassing all facets of TV news from story media planning to services post-production, this company trains journalists at media all levels of experience. services Can also assist in media hiring personnel, training and consulting.
- Wibiti - A self-service advertising ordering and production system that business services for media media enables clients to upload material for print and business services media for media online publishers. Advertisers order, build, and purchase their business media services for media own ads.
- North Atlantic Media Group - Details about a conglomerate of subsidiary companies delivering services news and entertainment for broadcast, electronic news gathering, services digital video, audio, print and bandwidth technology. See services programs under development.
- DIPAG - Supplying news and sports pictures of high quality media in real time, this is a photo agency media based in South Tyrol which specialized in the media distribution of pictures over internet.
- Regis Media - Find for top-drawer journalists or film makers for corporate films, videos, and CDs. Provides public relations consultants, media trainers, and guest speakers.
- AP Digital - a division of The Associated Press - A division of the Associated Press, this team provides Web-ready media breaking news in real time from 240 AP bureaus, including media photos, graphics, audio, video and text in XML format to media new media applications. Services offered to outlets in more than media 120 countr
- Iacto - Matching buyers and sellers of mobile uplinks, excess services capacity, production facilities, and other broadcasting services.
- Develin Design Group - Set designers for television broadcasters since 1989. Specializing business services for media media in news studio construction - both virtual and business services media for media actual.
- Media Speak - Communications consultancy offering training to enable senior business business services for media leaders to speak to the media with confidence, business services for media and public relation skills.
- Power Up for Success - Jerry Bellune provides newspaper and business management training. Find details business services for media about books, articles, seminars, coaching and advice.
- First Day Story - Provides hosted online publishing solutions for community newspapers.
- SetStudio - Coverage of the set design industry for television news. services Contains photographs and descriptions of active studios.
- Thames Valley Features Agency - Copy services for women, by women. Services suits business services for media media magazines and sections for national newspapers. [May not business services media for media work in all browsers].
- Military Media Inc. - Details its services in reaching the military audience through advertising, media marketing and consumer promotions involving military base newspapers, direct mail, media and opt-in email.
- Village of Tidbits - Publisher of Tidbits and Kidsville newspapers; includes details services on printing, media advertising, graphic and web site design services services.
- EditingPlus - Offers design consultancy or full production. List of company\'s services. services In French and English.
- Digital Technology International - Develops software for newspapers, magazines and other types of publications. Contact details and customer stories about one of the world\\'s largest vendors of newspaper software.
- RoMedia - Media investment management company focusing on Romanian ethnic media in the United States. Seeking to consolidate the media planning, implementation and research of a fragmented ethnic media landscape.
- Highlight Films - TV production company specialising in documentaries, TV programs media and commercials services for home and international markets.
- Talo - Optimized hyphenators and spellcheckers for publishers that sit media alongside existing editorial systems. Covers all European languages media and a set of Asian languages.
- Media Trails - Content creation, film making, and Internet solutions are the focus business services for media to this business in India.
- Our Hometown - Turnkey web publishing solution leverages editorial and business services for media advertising content.
- Puzzle Craft - Find contact information and catalogue for this family business services for media concern which is a leading supplier of crossword business services for media puzzles and word games to the UK press.
- Contacto News Service - Syndicates news features and images to newspapers, magazines business services for media and online publications. Based at Burbank, California.
- MediaPost - Contact directory for advertising professionals in TV, cable, radio, print, interactive media, agencies, and buyers. Membership required. Site also offers list of media associations and a searchable index of industry news.
- Scofield Editorial - Video production company based at Indianapolis, Indiana, and business services for services media offering video production, duplication, post production services with business services services for media AVID and Discreet Logic systems.
- TMTV News - A team from southeastern British Columbia, Canada, providing media news reporting business services for media for regional, national, and world television media networks since 1980.
- Bilge Uplink Services - Production broadcast company and an international SNG uplink provider based business services for media in Istanbul, Turkey.
- - Community of media professionals showcasing their works in business services for media photography and journalism. Build a portfolio, recruit a business services for media freelancer, find media jobs, or browse stock images.
- Cyber Weekly Consulting - Consulting services for online publishing strategies for weekly business services for media media newspapers. Reviews of weekly newspaper web sites by business services media for media online publishing consultant to weekly newspapers.
- Sam Whitmore's Media Survey - Provides media analysis and consulting for media pros media and buyers.
- - Wire service about the travel industry. Distribution options for PR representation through eTurboNews Group includes email service, web site archival storage, search facilities and readership tracking.
- Media Venture Partners - Provides investment banking services to media and emerging business services for services media telecommunications companies. Offers help in media brokerage, capital business services services for media raising, and mergers.
- Virtual Set Works - Download a library of virtual sets and backgrounds for television and film use in chroma keying and greenscreen. Accommodates multiple angles for different camera views.
- Joint Communications Corporation - Details about media strategists John Parikhal and Chris Kennedy who assist radio and magazine companies in identifying, capturing and keeping audiences.
- MIJO Corporation - A network of specialist services in production, duplication, distribution, and storage of video, audio and print media.
- dpa: The German Press Agency - An independent news agency offering international coverage of business services for business services for media media current affairs ranging from politics to economic, scientific, business services business services for media for media and cultural events to general news and sports.
- News and Features - Supplying material for newspapers, magazines and journals. Media media management advising business services for media and consulting with companies wishing to media improve or expand their business services for media media presence.
- RebusFilm - Reportage and freelance coverage from journalists in difficult-to-access services regions. Based in Beirut, Lebanon, with an international services network of journalists and film makers qualified to services provide documentary and cinema film. production.
- Demotix - Multilingual service brokering its wire feed of citizen journalism to the mainstream media around the world. Pro-civil society, with a focus on the under-reported. Pays contributors.
- Flying Lion Productions - Provides broadcast quality motion video and still image services photography of breaking news events in Los Angeles services County
- Teleios - Offers what it calls "transformational performance" to media media based clients. Represents Asian news footage.
- Associated Press Graphics Bank - Supplying photos, partial and finished graphics for TV media news broadcasters media and the web.
- Aberdeen Captioning - Provider of closed captions and subtitles for live and pre-recorded business services for media video in any tape format, video CD, DVD or webcast.
- Pictures from Japan - Agency MH offers stock images for commercial using. business services for media Also provides feature stories ready for magazine publication. business services for media Covers Japanese costumes, traditional festivals, Fuji, Japanese Alps, business services for media homeless and economic depression.
- McDonough Media - Consultant Dan McDonough, Jr. offers training and analysis for print media industry. Identifies the weaknesses in an organization, prepares a plan and assembles the team best suited to execute it.
- PR Media Consultants - Paul Richards - Offers training and consultancy for public-interest groups on how the business services for media media really work and how to maximise exposure in the business services for media media.
- Barometer Surveys - PricewaterhouseCoopers\\' provides data quarterly on a series of economic and business trends in America. These surveys have garnered significant press coverage as potential guideposts for assessing the economy\\'s well-being. Provides present and historical
- UK Media Limited - Editorial and design consultants specializing in newspaper redesigns. business services for business services for media media Lists previous clients, contact details, and services.
- DutchPress - Gateway to the world of the Dutch financial business services for media press,to set up or improve press relations and business services for media newspaper coverage in The Netherlands.
- TV-Wire Broadcast Wire Service - Contact and sales details for this satellite wire-service services specializing in TV broadcast entertainment news and event services media coverage.
- Media Alliance - Broadcast television talent agency, serving anchors and reporters, business services for media working in news, sports, and weather.
- Future Events News Service - Experienced researcher team providing a daily updated diary media of thousands media of forthcoming news events at international, media national and local level. media Suitable for the media, media governments, banks, and public relation agencies.
- pressventures - Parent company of the PR Press Network offering services services, job board, discussion forum, and tools for services public relation and media professionals.
- acftv - Film documentary production team based in Berkshire and producing business services for media programming for broadcasters around the world. View archive, online shopping, business services for media and list of awards.
- Nippon News - Based in Japan, this press agency supplies high quality features and photographs to media professionals.
- AIR News - Details and contact information for Australian Independent Radio. media A provider of pre-produced news bulletins for small media radio station operators.
- BusinessWire India - Virtual PR agency for corporate news distribution in south Asia. Agency also daily monitors and reports on more than 350 newspapers, magazines and websites.
- News Power iPress Service - Distribution of press releases, newsletters and financial reports media to journalists business services for media all over the world.
- Select Info - Details on technology that enables users to clip business services for media and redistributing news in a PDF format that business services for media retains the same look as the original print business services for media version.
- Jacek Utko News Design - Consultant describes the philosophy behind award winning newspaper services redesign and provides biography and portfolio. Based in services Poland.
- European Pressphoto Agency - Supplying photos for competitive worldwide coverage to the European media.
- ReadyWebWare - Demonstration and license details for a ready to run Internet services classifieds software for newspaper, radio and television web sites. Comes services with secure credit card processing gateway linking utility.
- Authors and Experts - Details about agency that links media with compelling business services for services media interview.
- Newsstand Association of Philadelphia - Support and social group for business members. Lists newsstands for media sale, events, and advice on starting in the industry.
- readMedia - Albany-based firm providing press releases through geographic-specific distribution. media Offers each publication or broadcast editor and reporter media a choice of email, fax, or RSS feeds.
- Prime Time Productions - Caters for all facets of television from film crews, camera services rental, and editing to post-production. Read how this business assists services in planning and executing news coverage activities in the Middle services East.
- Creative Circle Media Consulting - View samples of redesigned newspapers. Read about services business services for media that span pre-press quality control, solutions in outsourcing business services for media and convergence, and training for editorial, classified and business services for media advertising staff.
- International Press Service - News and views on international affairs, breaking news and important services world events. Particularly news from Asia Middle East and South services East Asia.
- OnQCo - Details pro VJ training for video journalists and business services for media media citizen journalists. Offering workshops in the San Francisco business services media for media Bay area.
- Cyberium Media Consultancy - Provides integrated print, multimedia, Internet, video, writing, photography, media illustration and business services for media animation services. The goals of accessibility media and interactivity underscore all business services for media work.
- Graphic News - Information graphics available by subscription for newspapers and business services for media magazines. Access thousands of images and a daily business services for media graphics advisory. Subscription includes license to reproduce or business services for media alter images.
- Grafix USA - Manufacturer of custom designed microphone flags. Specializing in short media run quantities with fast turnaround.
- Journalists @ Your Service - A meeting point and information hub for working journalists and services media professionals based in Brussels and Belgium. International Press Centre services is a multi-lingual site.
- Cyberwalker Media Syndicate - Content provider for newspapers, magazines, and web sites services focusing exclusively business services for media on technological issues. Provides a company services biography and background about business services for media its founder.
- Promedia of Ohio - Creators of broadcast and training videos. Lists services that also services cover multimedia production, web design, and the duplication of cd services and video.
- Brainsushi - International news agency focusing on contemporary pop culture and subcultures. services Offers exclusive content for press, television, radio and new media. services [French, English, Spanish]
- Media Affair - Small business based in Australia providing advice in media journalism, media media training and public relations. View profile media of the firm and media samples of work.
- AP Broadcast - Providing Associated Press text, audio, video, graphics, and software for media radio, television and the web.
- Talk to the Press - Features agency in Britain. Helps individuals who wish services to sell their real life story to the services media. FAQ, examples, and testimonials.
- Times Syndication Service - A division of The Times of India Group. media Promises to "fulfill content requirements on virtually any media topic". Can provide provide text, images and audio-video media for use in print or online mediums.
- Home Planning News - Provides information to journalists and general media on services home planning media and home improvement topics such as services electrical, wiring, roofing, window media coverings, home safety, apprenticeship services and energy conservation.
- Seamus Phan - A motivational and keynote speaker based in Singapore. business services for services media Offers guidance on media analysis, marketing and communications.
- PressCom - A press photo agency, selling photos and text media features as a resource for online and print media magazine publishers. Resume, fees, and samples. [French and media English]
MySQL - Cache Direct