2 Line Kites Plans Kites

2 Line kite plans

    Top: Recreation: Kites: Plans

2 Line Kites

  • Trick tac (Spanish and English) - 2 line delta.
  • Raaseri - A full range of high performance stunt kites 2 line kites by Simo Salanne.
  • Orange - Light wind trick kite by Simo Sivonen. Detailed plans and illustrated 2 line kites plan.
  • Xseri - Radical variation in Simo's Raaseri.
  • Raaseri Freestyle Activated - Simo's kite with activated bridle by Mike Emery.
  • David Lord - Plans for Tip Turn and Higher Aspect, both 2 line kites two line delta stunt kites.
  • Spring 2 line delta - Plan for a 2 line delta
  • Ariel Plans - Detailed 2 line kite plan also available in kites several downloadable formats.

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