Softbills Species Birds Pets

Information European starlings. Includes pictures and articles about baby bird care, diet, sexing, health, bone fracture repair, tips and history.

    Top: Recreation: Pets: Birds: Species


See Also:
  • Softbills for Sale - Species descriptions and pictures, articles, and classified advertising.
  • Jungle Affairs - Breeder of cranes, curassow,, mynahs arasaris, finches, and birds turacos.
  • Doo Dah - Information on care and feeding, along with pictures, softbills and a message board.
  • Freeko - Offers pictures and stories.
  • Starling Talk - Information European starlings. Includes pictures and articles about baby bird softbills care, diet, sexing, health, bone fracture repair, tips and history.
  • - Articles, pictures, sounds, videos, breeders lists, forums, classifieds, and organizations concerning mynah birds and starlings.
  • The Toucan Spot - Pictures, species information, breeder information, and forum.
  • Chickafinch's Starlings and Critters - Pictures and stories about European starlings. Also has information on softbills diet, treats, and precautions.
  • - A website for a private breeder of a species number of softbills species of Touraco (family - Musophagidae), species often also known by softbills the names Turaco or species lourie.
  • - Information on emergency care, and starlings as pets, softbills along with pictures and resources, and with links softbills to avian veterinarians and rehabbers.
  • Starling Talk Message Board - Friendly message board for starling owners to chat species about pet softbills starlings, injured or orphaned European starlings, species and sparrows. Information on softbills avian health, nutrition, and species other issues.

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