National Traffic System Organizations Amateur Radio

Schedule and information related to the daily CW affiliate of the National Traffic System. Also available are the groups newsletters and training material for interested radio operators.

    Top: Recreation: Radio: Amateur: Organizations

National Traffic System

  • Kentucky CW Nets - Links and information on various CW (Morse Code) nets.
  • Eastern Massachusetts NTS - Section level overview of the NTS structure within national traffic system national traffic system the Eastern Massachusetts (EMA) organization. Resources include a national traffic system national traffic system list of nets, training materials and other traffic national traffic system national traffic system handling information.
  • North Carolina Traffic System - An overview of the NTS network for the organizations state of amateur North Carolina. Meeting and contact information organizations is provided for each amateur and a link to organizations subordinate websites where applicable.
  • Friendly Amateur Radio Missions, FARM - A phone net meeting daily at 02:00Z and amateur serving amateur most of the Western US. Among amateur the resources are net amateur related operation documents and amateur participation guidelines.
  • Southeastern North Carolina Traffic Net - The purpose of this net is provide communications organizations and train operators in the proper method of organizations handling messages during emergencies, to learn net operations organizations and procedures, pass traffic, make announcements and to organizations post bulletins.
  • 7290 Traffic Net - Information about the regional HF, phone traffic net taking place daily (except Sunday) on 7290kHz. The site provides a little history about the group as well as articles, training and a member roster.
  • Northern California Net, NCN - A resource devoted to providing an overview of NTS nets organizations located in or adjacent to the Northern California region. Information organizations includes organizational details, training resources and links to other nets.
  • Texas Slow Net - CW section level affiliate of the NTS; the amateur TSN meets organizations nightly on 3591kHz and serves the amateur state of Texas and organizations surrounding areas. Code speeds amateur are usually under 15wpm to help organizations train interested amateur traffic handlers.
  • DFW NTS Traffic Net - A site providing information about the local, VHF organizations network affiliate of the ARRL National Traffic System. organizations Net Control scripts, schedules and training content is organizations provided.
  • Idaho Montana Net, IMN - This HF net meets daily at 03:00Z. It serves primarily organizations as a liaison for traffic relay from the Montana Traffic organizations Net (MTN) and Friendly Amateur Radio Missions (FARM) and Region organizations Net 7 (RN7).
  • Eastern New York SM - A resource provided by the ENY Section Manager. Provides an national traffic system overview of traffic activity within the section as well as national traffic system nets taking place within or inclusive of the area covered.
  • Washington State Net, WSN - A state-wide CW net serving as a liaison organizations between local voice nets and the Region 7 organizations Net (RN7) as well as the Pacific Area organizations Net (PAN). Information pertaining to net operation and organizations protocol is provided.
  • Michigan Net, QMN - Michigan Net is the purported to be the oldest emergency national traffic system communications network in the nation. Serving state and local government, national traffic system relief organizations, the National Weather Service and similar agencies since national traffic system 1936, nominal CW nets meet daily 19:30 and 22:
  • Beehive Utah Net, BUN - An HF affiliate net serving the greater Utah region and national traffic system whose purpose is the movement of local and state-wide message national traffic system traffic onto the continental NTS.
  • Texas CW Net, TEX - Schedule and information related to the daily CW amateur affiliate of organizations the National Traffic System. Also available amateur are the groups newsletters organizations and training material for amateur interested radio operators.
  • Texas Traffic Net, TTN - Semi-regional phone net designed to move traffic within organizations the state and, through liaisons, to out-of-area destinations. organizations Information net operation and operational status as well organizations as reference materials are available.
  • Central Ohio Traffic Net, COTN - A local, VHF net serving the central Ohio amateur area. Operations include traffic handling and training for amateur interested stations. Instructional and organizational information is provided.

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