Australia Personal Pages Amateur Radio

Glen Millen shares information about his shack, equipment and operating practices. Some specialized equipment links are also available. (Port Stevens, AU)

    Top: Recreation: Radio: Amateur: Personal Pages


  • VK4ADC - Brisbane amateur, Doug Hunter, presents station and HAM personal pages radio information, photos, monitor software and links. (Brisbane, personal pages AU)
  • VK3ASE One Sixty Meter Crossband Radio - Program notes, history, photos, and technical information on regular 160m personal pages crossband transmissions from VK3ASE. Audio recordings of historic events and personal pages early radio amateurs.
  • VK2JLO - History of Lockhart Olsen of Sydney, radio clubs, australia and other australia radio interests.
  • VK3JEG - Australia-based HAM presents station information, technical bulletins and links.
  • VK2JPL - Paul presents photos and information about his station, australia ATV repeaters and links.
  • VK4TVI - Hank Putin\\'s amateur radio and television from Bundaberg australia with computer amateur users links.
  • VK4KVK - P. J. Grimshaw includes list of publications and amateur radio background.
  • VK3JDY John's Shack Downunder - Descriptions of operating and obtaining an amateur licence in Australia, modifying public mobile radio equipment for amateur use, and many useful links.
  • Amateur Radio Training Programs - Four books written by Graeme Scott present a amateur training program for Novices obtaining their Australian license.
  • VK3JED - The Shack of VK3JED - Links and articles, including public transport mobile operating,radio personal pages direction australia finding, repeaters, satellites and amateur television.
  • VK2DYM Military Radio and Radar Information Site. - Technical information, photos and history of Australian military and australia domestic radio and lesser known equipment, publications and events.
  • AX2VCI - Peter Ward offers five Excel files simplifying all amateur calculations related to antenna design, measurement, and construction.
  • VK2FC - Glen Millen shares information about his shack, equipment and operating personal pages practices. Some specialized equipment links are also available. (Port Stevens, personal pages AU)
  • VK3ST - Ian and Andrea Foster share their thoughts on amateur radio, personal pages and a few photos.
  • VK5UJ - Station details, pictures, QSL, HF logs, and links.
  • VK5BR Website of Lloyd Butler - Many amateur radio design articles and historical information.

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