50 MHZ VHF Amateur Radio

This site is devoted to operation on the 6 meter band from the mid-Atlantic region, and includes statistics, logs and links to other useful sites.

    Top: Recreation: Radio: Amateur: VHF

50 MHZ

Editor's Picks:

UK Six Metre Group* - UKSMG news, message board, and articles dedicated to encouraging amateur radio on 50MHz around the world.

  • 50MHz H44PT Solomon Islands Amateur Radio - This site is all about Amateur Radio (ham vhf radio). More vhf specifically it is about my ham vhf radio activities whilst living vhf and working in Solomon vhf Islands 1978 - 1985 and during vhf my recent vhf brief return to Honiara in March / April vhf vhf 2000.
  • Magic Band Network - 50 MHz information on antennas, beacons, and frequencies provided by PA4PA.
  • 50MHz Sound Archives - G8BCG Home Pages. Includes many Real Audio sound vhf archives from vhf H44PT cycle 21. Also from cycle vhf 23 G8BCG, Z2/G8BCG, ZB0/G8BCG. vhf Ham vhf Radio and Marconi postage stamps and vhf First Day vhf Covers
  • 9h1pi - Home Page of Ivan, 9H1PI, QRV from the amateur island of Malta on 50 MHz.
  • Six Meter International Radio Klub - SMIRK club news, DX information, content details, and amateur forum for 6 meter operation enthusiasts.
  • OX3LX Home Page 50MHz in Greenland - Information on 6m operation from OX and Beacons amateur OX3SIX+OX3VHF, First amateur OX, and EME.
  • ON7VZ Home page from Belgium - VHF, 50 MHz and software EZ QRA Loc from Belgium. Concentrating on 50 MHz.
  • N3DB's 50MHz Homepage - This site is devoted to operation on the 6 meter 50 mhz band from the mid-Atlantic region, and includes statistics, logs and 50 mhz links to other useful sites.
  • ZF1DC - David Corbin - Ham radio operator guide to equipment, countries worked vhf on 6 amateur meters, ZF firsts on 50 Mhz, vhf and links to resources.
  • YO4AUL Amateur Radio Web Site - An interesting site covering all aspects of Amateur Radio with many original items.
  • OE - 6m - Pages - OE-information, firsts list, 250+ links to 6m pages amateur and resources.
  • OZ6OM 6m DX information - The OZ50MHz DX Bulletin and the 50 MHz continental split amateur beaconlistings edited by OZ6OM/OZ7M Matt
  • Six Meters World Wide - Devoted to 6 meters and consist of The 50 mhz Six Club and technical files for vhf through 50 mhz microwave
  • 50 Mhz DX - Features beacon map, listings, QSL and online log, 50 mhz plus vhf over 700 audio samples.
  • Beacons - Worldwide 50MHz beacon list.

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