Indonesia Asia Colleges and Universities Education
This category is for sites on universities and colleges (i.e. post-secondary educational institutions awarding technical, Associate, Bachelor's, Masters, and Doctorate degrees) in Indonesia. Websites submitted here must be university related and in English. Sites in other languages should be submitted to the appropriate World subcategory. Laman yang dihantar ke sini hendaklah berkenaan kolej atau universiti dan di dalam *Bahasa Inggeris*. Laman dwibahasa boleh diterima, tetapi laman dalam bahasa lain perlu dihantar ke _kategori_World_ yang berkenaan.
Top: Reference: Education: Colleges and Universities: Asia
See Also:
- Top/World/Bahasa Indonesia/Referensi/Pendidikan/Perguruan Tinggi
- Top/Regional/Asia/Indonesia/Education
- Indonesian Management Development Institute - Offers a 1 year business course with both colleges and universities national MM and Australian MBA degrees.
- International Hospitality School Makassar - Information on Indonesian vocational education for hotel and colleges and universities asia restaurant industries.
- Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa, UGM - Language Training Center at Gadjah Mada University in indonesia Yogyakarta, providing indonesia guide to the center and its indonesia services, with links to indonesia websites related to English indonesia teaching and learning.
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