Conferences Distance Learning Education
Conferences, trade shows, and seminars related to teaching and learning at a distance. Please include dates for the beginning and end of the event.
Top: Reference: Education: Distance Learning
- Online Educa Berlin - International conference on technology-supported learning and training.
- Netlearning 2002 - Will focus on issues associated with Internet-based learning; distance learning expectations, distance learning quality, involvement, guidelines, benefits and drawbacks. November distance learning 25-27, 2002, distance learning Ronneby, Sweden.
- Learning 2000 - Learning 2000 seeks to investigate the rising phenomena education of the virtual university. In Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke; education Virginia.
- ICDE World Conference, Duesseldorf 2001 - 20th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance conferences Education, 01-05 conferences April 2001.
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