Canada North America Regional Home Schooling

Formerly Canadian Homeschool Resource Page. Links to chats and forums, other homeschooling sites, educational sites and homeschooled kids' personal pages; lists of homeschooling conferences, universities and colleges accepting homeschoolers, books, magazi

    Top: Reference: Education: K through 12: Home Schooling: Regional: North America


See Also:
  • Famille Comblay - Présentation d\\'une expérience d\\'école à la maison, liens. Personal regional page of the Comblay family who homeschool in Quebec.
  • Homeschool Victoria - Online group for homeschoolers in Victoria, BC
  • Canadian Home Based Learning Resource Page - Formerly Canadian Homeschool Resource Page. Links to chats and forums, north america other homeschooling sites, educational sites and homeschooled kids\\' personal pages; north america lists of homeschooling conferences, universities and colleges accepting homeschoolers, books, north america magazi
  • The Homeschooler's Guide to the Colleges - Homeschool admissions requirements of colleges in the U.S., north america UK, canada and Canada, with advice on the many north america phases of canada the process.
  • Wise Choice Educational Services - ADD, Dyslexia and Homeschooling Coaching services in English and French.
  • A Different Drum Homeschoolers of London Ontario - Homeschooling network that wishes to create a welcoming environment for north america ALL homeschoolers;fostering the development of friendships/community through participation in activities north america planned for our children and ourselves.
  • Society for the Homeschool Network of Edmonton and Area - Information, resources, calendar, and a newsletter from SHiNE, canada a local support group that meets for field canada trips, lessons, activities, classes, socialization and information.
  • Math at Home: Ontario Math Problems - Detailed solutions for problems from grade 9 - regional 12 Ontario north america math textbooks.
  • Homeschoolers in Canada - Web Ring with the purpose of bringing together north america all regional the sites of Canadian homeschoolers: personal pages, north america homeschooled children\\'s regional pages, web sites of businesses serving north america the homeschooling community, regional homeschooling parents' own business sites.

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