Curriculum Products and Services Education

Develops and distributes teacher resources in the areas of contextual learning, and integration activities for math, science, and reading. Information on printed materials, workshops, and consultation services.

    Top: Reference: Education: Products and Services


See Also:
  • Stevenson Learning Skills-Education - Methods and materials for teaching reading, math, and education basic skills products and services to both learning disabled and regular education students.
  • Britain's Newspaper Education Trust - School groups research and write today\\'s news in a live products and services newsroom; newspaper-based teaching resources for sale; tours of print works products and services also available.
  • The Science Connection - Offers science instruction kits and books for both education public and education religious schools.
  • Knowledge Matters, Inc. - Products include Virtual Business Retailing and Virtual Business Management.
  • EduChange, Inc. - Provides technical assistance and products to the K-12 educational community, curriculum including university, non-profit, and corporate partners.
  • Shakespeare for Juniors - Shakespeare play adaptations for 10-14 year olds with products and services products and services original music on CD and MIDI files. Script, products and services products and services plot and directions written by British teacher and products and services products and services performed by his classes.
  • Key Publications - Offers a range of teaching aid that focus products and services on current events.
  • Foundations of Vocabulary - A tool available for increasing vocabulary, reading comprehension, products and services education and spelling skills.
  • - Curriculum-based lessons and practice tests in math, English, products and services chemistry, physics, and biology. Created especially for products and services middle and high school students.
  • Advanced Calculator Solutions Math and Science Workshops - Math and Science workshop training for high school curriculum and middle school teachers using graphing calculators. curriculum Topics include CBL, Algebra, Calculus, Physics, Computers Linking curriculum and APPS.
  • Teaching the Holocaust Through Stamps - An interdisciplinary computerized program through the use of products and services products and services stamps, pictures, text, and paintings by children in products and services products and services the Holocaust.
  • Character Education Curriculum For High Schools - An 18-week character education curriculum for high school curriculum students.
  • Thinking Strategies for Mastering Math - Created by teachers to save their children and yours from math illiteracy.
  • Hidden Treasure of Assets Game - This is a game that teaches the 40 Developmental Assets curriculum and the consequences of risk-taking behaviors in a fun, easy-to-use, curriculum board game format. A great prevention tool.
  • Core Curriculum of America - Complete customized K-12 homeschool curriculum packages.
  • Johnny's Math and Science Posters Guide - List of printed math and science posters.
  • - A collaborative problem-solving resource for teens and educators.
  • MediaSeek Technologies - Helps match educational curriculum and other resources to learner\'s needs education and interest.
  • ABC: A Balanced Curriculum - A Balanced Curriculum is a process by which education schools can align curriculum to local, state, national, education and professional education standards.
  • 21st Century Education Enterprises - Provides physical educational services and materials for students curriculum from grades K-12.
  • Manners of the Heart - A manners and etiquette curriculum for elementary school products and services education children.
  • yTeach - Provides teaching resources specifically for Math and Science.
  • The Mental Edge - Subscription service containing a set of reviews for all subjects curriculum grades 3 through 12. They are coordinated with all major curriculum textbooks and match day-to-day classroom activities.
  • Literature and Curriculum Guides by Jane Schaffer - Curriculum materials for composition and literature, including novels, curriculum plays and curriculum poetry. For grades 7-12
  • ESubjects Inc - Providing resources and information for teachers, students and curriculum parents. education Provides curricula, consulting, on-line discussion forums.
  • TechnoKids - Develops computer curriculum enabling teachers to deliver relevant products and services education technology instruction to students. Offers lesson plans and products and services education reproducible materials.
  • Voyager Expanded Learning - Provides math and reading intervention programs as well curriculum as teacher products and services training.
  • Hollister Kids - Offers a varied selection of 16-page tabloid newspaper in education supplements dealing with both academic subjects and social themes. Supplements are grouped by age level, and writing staff is from major metropolitan newsrooms.
  • A+ Educational Video - Offers video rentals for homeschooling, learning and achievement.
  • Reading Champions - A reading program for all ages. Teaches phonemic education awareness, phonics, vocabulary, text comprehension and fluency as education identified in the federal Reading First Initiative as education necessary components for effective reading instruction.
  • Kids on the Block - Provides educational puppet programs which enlighten children on products and services products and services the issues of disability awareness, medical-educational differences, and products and services products and services social concerns. Includes package overview and information on products and services products and services starting a troupe.
  • Bad Wolf Press - Writes and publishes short musical plays, connected to curriculum the curriculum products and services for classroom use in grades K-8.
  • The Music Builders - Teaches school subjects through the effective use of curriculum music and specially composed songs.
  • Education Technology Group - Offers templates and paint to create playground maps education of USA products and services and the world to teach geography education and world events.
  • Enrichment Plus - Develops and distributes teacher resources in the areas of contextual education learning, and integration activities for math, science, and reading. Information education on printed materials, workshops, and consultation services.
  • Homeschool Stockroom - Has secular and christian homeschool curriculum packages available.
  • Christian Ed Warehouse - Markets Christian educational curriculum for Sunday school, Vacation products and services education Bible School, midweek programs, and Bible clubs. Also products and services education markets other Christian educational resources, classroom decorations, and products and services education church supplies.
  • Data Based Directions - Data Based Directions provides resources for teachers and curriculum school administrators. curriculum Handbooks on specific issues of curriculum concern to educators give curriculum specific ideas and activities curriculum to assist learning. Time saving approaches curriculum are designed curriculum by expert educators.
  • Math Facts Now! - A homeschool designed software program to increase retention products and services education and speed of recall of the basic math products and services education facts.
  • Charlene Murphy's Preschool Program - Monthly theme-based preschool activity program.
  • Bully Beware - Markets anti-bullying programs for schools and communities.
  • Caprock Press - Publisher of a health curriculum for the classroom curriculum or after products and services school.
  • Blue-Line Music Teaching Method for the Recorder - Curriculum for Grades 4-8. Developed by a volunteer products and services curriculum who has taught more than 4,000 children to products and services curriculum read, write and play music.
  • Bully Stoppers - Site offers member schools an online reporting form and instructions. products and services All visitors are offered a student forum on bullying and products and services helpful tips and information for students and parents.
  • Big Oak Curriculum - A Christian business writing and publishing homeschool education curricula.
  • The Gertie Max Study Systemizer - Study skills curriculum of strategies and materials proven products and services education successful from elementary school to middle school and products and services education high school to college.
  • Kingsley Publishing Bilingual Reproducible Books - Reproducible bilingual thematic units for grades K-3. Spanish and English curriculum versions in each book.
  • History on Wheels - Four historical enrichment programs for classroom teachers.
  • Thematic Teaching Units - Teaching units written for classroom teachers by classroom teachers.
  • Medina On-Line - A resource for students of earth science. Contains products and services products and services class notes, activities and glossary geared toward secondary products and services products and services students.
  • The Curriculum Store, Inc. - Offering curriculum materials for grades K-12.
  • School of Tomorrow - Produces individualized self-instructional Christian curriculum and other programs education for schools education and home schools.
  • Golden Educational Center - Sells math, social studies, history, and geography texts. education Offers samples for download.
  • Fasttrack Teaching Materials - Offers products for students and teachers of American education history, including products and services Fasttrack to America\\'s Past, a workbook education used by schools in products and services many states at the education middle and high school levels.
  • The Great Body Shop - A comprehensive health, substance and violence prevention curriculum products and services products and services for K-6.
  • Holey Cards - Math drill cards designed to raise math scores.
  • Kids 4 Broadway - Theatre program includes 12 original one-act plays written specifically for education elementary and middle school students to perform. No royalty education fees required.
  • First Steps - Provides school-wide professional development models designed to improve student outcomes education in literacy. Includes materials, description of courses and implementation instructions.
  • S.P.A.R.K. Peer Tutoring Handbook - This peer tutoring program is a nationally recognized and field-tested curriculum curriculum designed to aid high school and middle school peer curriculum tutoring programs and advisors. Developmental Assets are integrated.
  • Wright Group: Everyday Mathematics - Markets math, science, health, and social studies curricula.
  • Cornerstones Publishing - Publishes curriculum for the Workshop Rotation Model of education Christian education for Sunday schools.
  • The Jason Project - Year-round underwater scientific expeditions providing educational materials, courses products and services and workshops. Aims, multimedia educational materials, location of products and services Jason network sites by area. Online store for products and services materials and merchandise.
  • - Provides a home school curriculum, lesson plans, and products and services curriculum accredited homeschooling resources.
  • - Bible-based curriculum for Christian school and homeschool environments

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