Distributed Knowledge Knowledge Management Reference

Section from a management information systems course on virtual teams as task-based groups that use technology to overcome some of the frictions of time and geography.

    Top: Reference: Knowledge Management

Distributed Knowledge

  • Web Epistemology - The Web as Distributed Knowledge - Discusses the importance of the epistemic impact of the Web. distributed knowledge Features bibliography.
  • Knowledge Communication - Presents research on knowledge communication between experts and reference decision makers in the realm of management and reference it contains background material and further references.
  • Infrastructures, Incentives and Institutions: Fostering Distributed Knowledge Bases for the Learning Society - Paper describes a conceptual understanding of the relationship reference between learning reference and knowledge accumulation and suggests that reference diversified systems must be reference able to cope with reference the need to produce policies that reference nurture the reference learning society. By Pedro Conceicao,[PDF]
  • Working in Virtual Teams: Overcoming Time and Geography? - Section from a management information systems course on reference virtual teams as task-based groups that use technology reference to overcome some of the frictions of time reference and geography.
  • Authority in the Context of Distributed Knowledge - Paper discusses the role of authority as a reference coordination mechanism knowledge management under conditions of distributed knowledge as reference well as other issues knowledge management of economic organization. By reference Kirsten Foss and Nicolai J. Foss. knowledge management [PDF][PDF]
  • Access Algorithms and Data Structures Underlying a Distributed Knowledge Base - Paper presents the algorithms and data structure schemes reference to be knowledge management used for knowledge storage and processing reference by various ICONS components knowledge management and discusses the algorithms reference as they appeared through theoretical and knowledge management experimental studies. reference By Witold Litwin and Gerard Le[PDF]
  • Peer-Mediated Distributed Knowledge Management - Paper propose a peer-to-peer architecture which embodies the reference KEx principle. By Matteo Bonifacio, Paolo Bouquet, Gianluca reference Mameli and Michele Nori. [PDF][PDF]

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