Effects Information Overload Knowledge Management

Information overload is one of many contributing factors to technostress and job burnout. Frustration with the inability to keep up with change can cause highly intelligent and knowledgeable people to begin to doubt their abilities, lose interest in their careers, and can even cause serious health decline.

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See Also:
  • Data smog: newest culprit in brain drain - By Bridget Murray. Psychologists are beginning to study information overload the knowledge management impact that information overload is having on information overload our lives. knowledge management APA Monitor.
  • Experts: Information onslaught bad for your health - By CNN Correspondent Kathy Nellis. There\\'s so effects much data information overload out there that it\\'s making some effects people physically ill, according information overload to some experts. Psychologists effects even have a name for the information overload malady: Information effects Fatigue Syndrome.
  • Dying for Information? - A Report on the Effects of Information Overload in the effects UK and Worldwide, by Paul Waddington, Coalition for Networked Information.

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